dictators around the world tremble in fear - is khamenei just another madsam in a long dress?
Around the world, dictators are
attempting to blank out news from Iran.
[from 2nd link]
“Ten days after the blatantly rigged presidential
election, Iran is descending into darkness.”

“Out of fear that history might repeat itself,
the authoritarian governments of China, Cuba and Burma
have been selectively censoring the news this month
of Iranian crowds braving government militias on the
streets of Tehran to demand democratic reforms.”
“ In Cuba, President Raúl Castro's government
has imposed a complete blackout of news surrounding
the Iranian elections. But word of developments is trickling
through, anyway.”
“In Burma, the junta's mouthpiece, the New Light
of Myanmar, has drowned out news from Tehran with articles
on bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan. But some of the
nearly 200 journals published privately in Rangoon and
Mandalay have seized on the topic as a way to pass subversive
messages to readers.”
“In China, the Communist Party's propaganda machine
has worked furiously to portray the protests in Iran
-- already being dubbed the Green Revolution, after
the Rose and Orange revolutions earlier this decade
in Georgia and Ukraine -- as orchestrated by the United
States and other Western powers, not a grass-roots movement.
Unlike Western leaders, who have avoided acknowledging
Ahmadinejad's claims of victory, President Hu Jintao
joined Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev in meeting
with and congratulating the Iranian president.”
[Quoted from washingtonpost.com]

“As the Iranian revolution
devours its sons and daughters, the Islamic Republic
is changing from a regime ruled by the Shiite clergy
and guarded against internal and external enemies by
the Revolutionary Guards into a military dictatorship
both ruled and guarded by a generation of veterans from
the Iran-Iraq war."
“...In the provinces, the Revolutionary Guards
have terrorized the public into submission. [Quoted
from nydailynews.com]

“Dozens of journalists - some who also campaigned
for either Mir Hossein Mousavi or Mehdi Karroubi, both
candidates in the presidential election, have been detained
in the past fortnight with their whereabouts mostly
“For example, around 20 of 25 employees of the
newspaper Kalameh Sabz arrested at their office in Haft
Tir Square on 22 June are still detained and their whereabouts
remain unknown. Kalameh Sabz is a newspaper established
by presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in 2009,
and which has not been published since 14 June.”
[Quoted from amnesty.org]
the address for the article
above is
ayatollahs against democracy
Recommended reading.
"In Iran's now-challenged system of government,
the ayatollahs have
the last word. Ayatollahs, as their title explains,
are "signs of
God." If anyone disagrees with their translation
of the divine view,
the clerics have ruthless militias to explain their
theological ruling
a bit more emphatically. The point, however, has now
incontestably made that much of the population does
not support this
and the despicable mullahs
It appears that for all their protestations
these are no more religious men than the socialists of
Tiananmen square.
“Family members of slain Iranian protester Neda
Agha Soltan have been forced by Iranian authorities
out of their Tehran home after disturbing and graphic
images of her death were viewed around the world.
“Neighbors of the family say the four-floor apartment
on Meshkini Street, in Eastern Tehran, has been vacated,
according to U.K. paper The Guardian. "We just
know that they [the family] were forced to leave their
flat," a neighbor told The Guardian, but the family
was not reached to confirm reports.
“Iranian police did not give Soltan's body to
her family, but rather she was buried without her family
knowing and the government banned mourning ceremonies
at mosques, neighbors told The Guardian.
“The Iranian government is now accusing protesters
of killing Neda Soltan, attempting to present her as
a martyr of Iran's pro-government Basij militia. Javan,
a pro-government newspaper, has even blamed the recently
expelled BBC correspondent, Jon Leyne, of hiring "thugs"
to shoot her so he could make a documentary film, The
Guardian reports.”
of corruption in iranian faked elections [19-page
“Where did Ahmadinejad’s New Votes Come
According to the official Ministry of Interior voting
data (see Appendix), Mahmud Ahmadinejad has increased
the conservative vote by 113% compared to the 2005 election.
There is little correlation in provincial-level results
between the increase in turnout and the swing to the
President, challenging the notion that a previously
silent conservative majority came out to support him.
Interestingly, in 10 out of 30 provinces, mainly former
Mehdi Karrubi strongholds, the official data suggests
that Ahmadinejad not only received the votes of all
former non-voters and former Rafsanjani voters, but
also took up to 44% of the vote from those who had previously
voted reformist.
“According to the official data, Mahmud Ahmadinejad
has received approximately 13m more votes in this election
than the combinedconservative vote in the 2005 Presidential
useful aggregator on Iran

useful iran aggregator
