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Is Britain growing more German?
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rejected by addidas!
A tribute to a recently dead relative made by a young German student Eugen Merher. He sent this video to Adidas, in the hope of acknowledge his work. Receiving none, Eugene uploaded it to the Internet.
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the history of the naked monkey - churchill said... I see Daniel Hannan banging on that Winston Churchill wanted the new arrangement that Theresa May is apparently outlining with the EUSSR. At about 1400, there were two popes, one in France and one in Rome (more detail in the 16th Ecumenical Council). The French lot sainted Charlemagne, but
eventually Rome won out. A couple of saints (Bridget and Catherine of Sienna) claimed that Mary visited them and said she wanted the papacy be in Rome. Now Mr Churchill is telling Daniel Hannan that he wants a Swiss Brexit. I have looked at Churchill's comments on the EUSSR, and he did not seem to have any fixed view of the situation. It is useful when god, or Mary, or Churchill, bring messages from the astral plane. And you wonder why I spend my life in constant amusement! related material
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