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purchasing power: French government preparing a discount of 30¢/l on fuel

A key measure against inflation should be approved without incident in the French parliament. The Economy Minister, Bruno Le Maire, said he was in favour of increasing the per litre discount on fuel prices from 18 to 30 centimes. This will be a compromise with the deputies Les Républicains [LR], who called for going "further".

"The discount will go from 18 to 30 centimes in September and October, then to 10¢ in November and December", detailed the minister. This will be added to the discount of 20 centimes at the pump announced Friday by TotalEnergies, "you would have in certain servsice stations in France a fuel price of 1.5 euros a litre", he continued. This level is defended by the LR.


totalenergies also discounting this autumn

TotalEnergies has promised a rebate at the pump of 20 ¢/l between September and November,then 10 cents until the end of the year. The oil giant is facing threats of a tax on "superprofits, "brandished by deputies [MPs]. This rebate is in addition to the government's aid of 18 centimes per litre granted by to deal with soaring fuel prices.

The LR accepted TotalEnergies' promised rebate as part of a package of measures helping poorer workers and those who drive a lot for work, as well as Bruno Le Maire also proposed to LR deputies the "deferral" of the transport fuel allowance (ICT), targeted at large riders and the working classes, and a specific measure for “small rural stations”. The threat, now dismissed, of a tax on the “superprofits” of large groups,  demanded by the left, the RN and quietly by the right and some in the majority, had its effect.

Total manages a third of the service stations in France.

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