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I-2007: 22 | III-2007: 31 | V-2007: 22 | V-2007: 27 | XI-2007: 06 18 |
pedalphilia increasing in the clown’s ludicrous communist state No use locking your doors, the Brown Clown wants in!
And now the Clown wants us to travel by bike to help reduce oil comsumption and CO2 emissions, how will he collect all those lovely taxes? How long before bicycles must be taxed and licenced for use of over 18s only, and entry to cycle shops prohibited to children, while their windows must be darkened? Or perhaps being found in the company of a bicycle could be deemed a very serious crime? Lead from Limbic’s blog. the web address for the article above is |
on the right, or otherwise, to self-defence in the uk and the usa
Link indirectly from ‘face’. related material the web address for the article above is |
yesterday there was a rather foolish item in the groaniad on which i proffered comment; now... There is another Groaniad [Guardian] item that is less naive, but naivete remains.
It is incredible that people still assume that Brown the Clown has any serious integrity or good will. In reality, he is just a con man trying to pull yet another scam. James Hammerton has made an excellent deconstruction of Gordon Brown’s speech.
The Brown Clown is dishonest through to the core. I liked this almost accidental revelation in a sycophantic article:
related material the web address for the article above is |
cameron on national security, and an amusing article on brown, the empty suit I have only scanned this at high speed, it looks worth study to me.
And here is an instructive item illustrating the shallow and unintegrated person of Gordon Brown the Clown.
Interestingly, the author doesn’t get it. He doesn’t realise that the Clown is all theory and no realism. Brown is proto-typical confused socialist. There is no connection in the mind of such socialists between the ‘answers’ they put down on exam papers on the one hand, and the real world on the other. This is a widespread problem with good parrots. Parrots are those who have internalised words by the hoard, and can trot out ‘answers’ to ‘questions’ like a well-oiled tape recorder, like an actor reeling out lines written by another. The actor has learnt in acting school, or under a director, which expression or emotion to fake. But the actor, or the examinee, has very little understanding, if any, of the meanings of the words or quotations they mouth. This is Brown, the ultimate empty suit, or plastic man. This behaviour is far more widespread in this society than is recognised. It is an effect of teaching or conditioning to words, until the individual loses secure contact with reality. The product of this form of ‘education’ include a large proportion of the ‘good’ boys and girls who run Western society. It is very difficult for most people to easily recognise the difference between those who think independently, and those who are just working through procedures like well-programmed robots. Like any religious fundy, Brown believes in his religion - socialism. The theory is just his way of getting ticks in exams, or gaining power. end note From Tricky Dicky by Country Joe Macdonald. Tricky Dicky was President Richard Nixon. the web address for the article above ishttps://www.abelard.org/news/civil-liberties2007.php#cameron_national_security_271007 |
a ridiculous sentence - the auroran sunset Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong had full knowledge of DNA proof of the innocence of his four victims. Nifong hid this knowledge in an attempt to frame those four innocents on gang rape charges, in the Duke lacrosse rape case. The mean “sexual abuse” sentence in the US is approximately 8 years. “Sexual abuse” includes not only rape, but also many minor offences. In summary, Nifong attempted to steal at least 32 years of human life from innocents for personal gain. Attempting to steal large chunks of human life is more normally known by terms such as “attempted murder”. Nifong’s sentence for this crime: one day in prison. Nifong was ably assisted by a lying female. She faces no charge, let alone one day in prison. Rule of law depends on the cooperation of those who choose to submit to those laws. Failure to apply, or selective application of, a law brings all law into disrepute. This has a direct negative effect on the rule of law, reducing the security of every citizen’s freedom. The absurd sentence of Mike Nifong is a civil liberties issue. the web address for the article above is |
freedom in america - the auroran sunset Source code for breathalyzers across the country being forced into the public domain, despite police and government attempts to keep them secret.
related material the web address for the article above is |
the web address for the article above is |
sp.eye in the sky to join sp.eyes in the street - xavier
related material the web address for the article above is |
report on surveillance, privacy and social trust
the web address for the article above is https://www.abelard.org/news/civil-liberties2007.php#engineers_report_310307 |
old.new.old continue dishonestly to try to abolish jury trials - the real objective is to usurp still more power The increasingly dangerous undermining of law and civil liberties by the Bliar/Clown socialists.
So far, four times, the bliar gang's attempts to abolish jury trial have been stymied by the UK Parliament. (Of course this, despite protestations, has nothing whatsoever to do with the type of trial.)
related material https://www.abelard.org/news/civil-liberties2007.php#trial_by_jury_220107 |
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