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only when it's pretty
28: bird portraits

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28: bird portraits - the auroran sunset

Here at abelard.org, we take a lot of photographs. Many of them are pretty or interesting. This is the twenty-eighth in a regular “photograph with little or no explanation or comment” feature.

Birds are weird, and the more you look at them the weirder they seem! Here are four portraits for four very strange feathered friends.

First my favourite: an emu. Not only do emus look completely brainless, they also have wonderful holes in the sides of their heads, such that it seems that you could look all the way through if you could just find the right angle:

An emu. Image credit: the auroran sunset

I don't know what this next one is. Maybe a tame expert will enlighten us.. Whatever he is, he is impressive with his bright red and black head, long white neck and huge bill. He even doesn't manage to look quite as gormless as the other three:

A big bird with long white neck, long bill and bright red and black ring on the head and top of the neck. Image credit: the auroran sunset

Next is a vulturine - it's a kind of guinea fowl. As you can see, he's as mad as a brush, which I suppose is to be expected from a semi-vulture! Still, he does have some amazing colours:

A vulturine guinea fowl. Image credit: the auroran sunset

Finally a special chicken. This is apparently a Spitzhauben rooster. He seems to be a little hen-pecked:

A Spitzhauben chicken rooster. Image credit: the auroran sunset

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27: creepy crawlies
1: Mount Miyanoura, Japan

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