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socialism, sociology, supporting documents described Loud music and hearing damage Architectural wonders and joys at abelard.org about abelard and abelard.org visit abelard's gallery Energy - beyond fossil fuels France zone at abelard.org - another France

latest changes
and additions 2016 to 2024

abelard.org undergoes continual minor changes and additions.
This list refers only to significant changes.
Go here for 2013 entries,
here for 2012 entries, here for 2011 entries, here for 2010 entries,
here for 2009 entries and here for 2008 and earlier entries
for latest changes and additions at abelard.org
tweets from abelard.org

   site map

advertising disclaimer,


25-year update to Citizenship curriculum
Twenty-five years ago, abelard wrote Citizenship curriculum to be the central source for topics giving a sound curriculum for citizenship studies. Now, abelard.org has many documents examining and investigating aspects of human behaviour. These are incorporated into this very topical document.

updated document in
behaviour and intelligence
09.01.2024 the cathedrals and stained glass in France and elsewhere
updated document, or perhaps new document,
introducing abelard's many pages extolling the wonders of France's many cathedrals and churches as well some across its borders.
updated document or perhaps new document
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.

latest changes and additions 2023

18.12.2023 on Lincoln cathedral stained glass
Is abelard being tongue in cheek? No, abelard has a wry sense of humour about human behaviours, including decorating cathedrals.
a new section in
history of ugly stained glass: Auch, Bazas, Dreux

covid and nuclear explosions -
expanding and dying chains

In the light of the innumeracy and poor focus of the Covid Enquiry that happened recently in the UK Parliament, this important page has a new, more understandable title!

updated document or perhaps new document in
socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

2023 Tour de France- racing from Spain to Alsace
The Greatest Show on Earth starts in Spanish Basque Country and travels from south west to north east France, climbing a record,30 peaks and passes. Thus thereapos;s plenty of gorgeous scenery and fascinating racing. Details and a summary analysis of the stages and main riders.

new document in the cycling zone
Tour de France 2023s

wokespeak, more fashionable non-words

Wokespeak is now a new subsection for abelard's dictionary of fashionable non-words. These words are often subjective to the person using them and so intended to influence the recipient to mutually agree or disapprove.

new section in
language for manipulation, exaggeration and hypocrisy

our cookies and privacy policies,
the EU tightening their internet screw?

Increased constraints are being imposed by the European Union and their fake concern for web users' privacy and so their freedom. As a result, Google Inc is being obliged to slap, literally, a virtual sticker on the web pages of anyone who uses Google Ad Sense advertising to help their financing.

Thus, abelard.org has revised their cookies policy page, as well as the privacy section at the about abelard page.

Enjoy the craziness where web sites are obliged to put a cookie on their visitors' browsers that says the visitor does not want cookies put on their browser (Catch-22 or Kafka, no?).

Oh, and we tell visitors clearly how to stop most, if not all, cookies being put on your computer. However, be aware that many, if not most, web sites you visit then will not display or behave smoothly.







The European Union, as a post-war Socialist construct, has the goal of controlling both individuals and companies.

latest changes and additions 2022

28.05.2022 the greatest show on earth, and the greatest race starts on friday 1st july - prepare!
Visiting four countries, and with climbs galore, this year's Tour de France can be expected to entertain while offering gorgeous scenery and fascinating racing.
new document at
The Tour de France 2022

Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours

Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours

Early stained glass problems resolved at Tours cathedral, or how reinforcements stop this cathedral collapsing. Plus early early stained glass.

new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.

latest changes and additions 2021


Tour de France 2018

le Tour de France, 2021
starting to shed covid
and plenty of mountains

All the essential information in one place on the stages, teams, and top ten riders, as well as the major climbing stages.

new document in
the cycling zone

language for manipulation, exaggeration and hypocrisy

beta release

major new document in
socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

Most human communication is rubbish!
abelard pinpoints how current language damages society's mental and social fabric.

latest changes and additions 2020


covid and nuclear explosions
the arithmetic of explosions, epidemics and communication in the world of Covid-19.

Using the example of the covid-19 pandemic, abelard discusses how a disease (or an idea or a behaviour) spreads or can be contained, or even become extinct.

major new document in
socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described


22.02.2020 the individual or the common good
abelard examines how and why many people appear to behave in manners that are against their own best interests, as well as those of society.
major new document in
 socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

The psychology of Georges Simenon and Jules Maigret, with reviews of all the Maigret novels

To think of Maigret as detective stories would be to confuse Simenon's real purpose, the study of people - abelardThe psychology of Georges Simenon and Jules Maigret-books

major new document in
behaviour and intelligence
25.09.2019 Over the past months, many sections and pages have been updated, improved or corrected. This includes
Sums will set you free - teaching arithmetic (mathematics),
Marianne - a French national symbol, with French definitive stamps
dating old postcards.

progress report
at abelard.org

1 .11.2018 cookies at abelard.org and your privacy
Our privacy policy and cookie policy have been updated and clarified to help visitprs to abelard.org to navigate and understand the apparent attempts by the likes of the EUSSR to hobble the world wide web.
updated document
3.7.2018 Tour de France 2018 the tour de france 2018 - celebrating france, celebrating the tdf illustrated graph
Visiting world heritage sites and WW1 zones, riding the infamous cobbles of Roubaix, showing the cultural exceptionalism of France, all while providing more than challenging racing on France's steepest and trickiest mountain routes.
new document in
the cycling zone

giro d'italia 2018 il Giro d'Italia 2018 : Middle East meets West, climbing all the way  graph illustrated
With three days in Israel, eight summit finishes, including on Mount Etna, hairpin bends galore and cobbles, this year's Giro should be sunny and joyful for spectators, and very hard work for riders.
Analysis and images.

new document in
the cycling zone
7.4.2018 stone tracery in church and cathedral construction
Looking at cathedrals in France, England and Switzerland, abelard explores stone tracery. Tracery is the framework for medieval stained glass windows, a major component of cathedrals. Construction, different types and designs are discussed.
With helpful annotated and othre illustrations.ne
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
4.3.2018 stained glass and cathedrals in Normandy
is now out of beta release!
The fancy map is tidied, as are the few typos and style glitches that fall through the cracks.
Enjoy its facts, images and abelard's appreciative critiques.
updated document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
23.2.2018 stained glass and cathedrals in Normandy
This north-western French region has idiosyncratic cathedrals. Heavily photo-illustrated, with a fancy map and many floor plans. Featuring Coutances, Evreux, Lisieux, Bayeux, Sées and Rouen.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
15.10.2017 stone in church and cathedral construction illustrated
Stone is the major component of a cathedral's construction. Here abelard investigates some of the different stones used.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
15.8.2017 the problem of moderation
abelard dissects the differences between the real world, a person's perceptive of that reality, other people's descriptions of reality. Then ab looks at how people respond to others' descriptions and how they often end in contention.
new document
in  socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

lantern towers of Normandy and elsewhere illustrated graph
Where the nave and transepts cross, that crossing can be surmounted by a dome or a tower, often a spectacular piece of engineering - descriptions and examples. Illustrated.

new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
22.6.2017 co-operation and being nice - suckers, grudgers and cheats
Why being considerate while repaying emotional, as well as physical/monetary debts is a successful policy.
new document
in  socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described
18.6.2017 giro d'italia 2017 the tour de france 2017, russian mountains on steroids! graph
Les montagnes russes is the French for a roller coaster. This year's Tour de France is so extreme in the climbs and endurance required, that in the French mountains are rolling on steroids!
new document in
the cycling zone
20.5.2017 simultaneous equations, with model answers
Working with simultaneous equations is working with more than one equation at a time [simultaneously], and with more than one variable. Worked examples with commentary, illustrations.
major new document in
sums will set you free!
30.4.2017 giro d'italia 2017 il Giro d'Italia 2017 : 100 years - to love infinitely
The hundredth year of the Giro visits spectacular locations, celebrating a centenary of Italian cycle racing.
new document in
the cycling zone
  When abelard.org seems a little quiet, lots is going on behind the scenes, both researching and developing new pages, and updating and improving pages already published. updating documents
1.1.2017 irrational actions - analysis of behaviour
How mental tricks are mistaken for intelligence, with examples from public life including Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Why intelligence can be a penalty in society at large.
major new document
in  socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

latest changes and additions 2016

19.11.2016 'dyspraxia'
sexual differences in childhood behaviour- the results first, the study after
short, informative discussion documents that are now part of abelard.org's establishmznt psycho-bunk section.

updated  short briefing documents 
8.11.2016 socialist mindset versus moderate mindset
There is a cast of mind that differs between those of the Left and of the Right.
This page is under development, I am releasing it early in an unfinished state due to current societal pressures.
new document
in  socialism and sociology
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described
25.10.2016 socialist persecution of religion, Mexico
Documenting the attrition of catholic priests in Mexico last century by Socialist zealots. Note the similarities to Clinton's and Obama's behaviour in the USA.
new document
in  socialism and sociology
20.10.2016 updated :
writing down stats : using the standard normal distribution table graph
All sections are now completed, and your humble yak can follow the nitty-gritty of this area of (often) higher mathematics. Of course, this means that other learners now can also comprehend what 'scholars' are saying on statistics.
updated document in
sums will set you free!
25.09.2016 writing down stats - distribution of a random variable :
using the standard normal distribution table

This page has been extended, improved and clarified. Also a new helpful table.
updated documentin
sums will set you free!
10.09.2016 writing down stats - distribution of a random variable :
using the standard normal distribution table

Step by step explanations, in clear language, for calculations using the normal distribution graph or bell curve, as well as discussion on aspects of standard distribution and statistics in general.

major new document in
sums will set you free!

31.8.2016 intelligence and madness graph
Why being more than usually intelligent can be a penalty in society at large - continuing on from Logicians, 'logic' and madness.
major new document in
behaviour and intelligence
 socialism, sociology, supporting documents described
19.8.2016 logicians, 'logic' and madness
Several famous logicians, mathematicians and philosophers are said to have become mad. Here, abelard looks at what is madness, and how it relates to academic logic.
major new document in
behaviour and intelligence
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described
12.8.2016 La Vuelta 2010 la Vuelta a España, 2016 - let's climb!
Uphill and summit finishes galore will make this Vuelta a climber's feast through spectacular regions of Spain and France. Essental information all on one page.
new document in
the cycling zone
15.6.2016 Tour de France route 2015the tour de france 2016, always for the climbers - the essentials illustrated graph
Technical climbs, tricky descents and sharp uphill finishes set in magnificent France, the essentials all on one page.
new document in the
cycling zone
29.04.2016 h.g. wells the futurist
Early 20th century, and H.G. Wells predicts nuclear weapons, airial warfare, and state help for single mothers.
Subsidiary document to h.g. wells and other fabians - a socialist with a rather better mind
new document
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

in  socialism and sociology
11.04.2016 giro il giro d'italia 2016 - for sprinters and climbers graph video
Spectacular mountains and tasty flat stages will make for a Giro with many opportunities. Essential facts, no more searching across the web.
new document in
the cycling zone
29.03.2016 counting beliefs, chapter 2 of
sociology - the structure of analysing belief systems

The instinct to belong, to be part of a group, leads to a lack of independent thinking, and so to major foolishnesses. abelard demonstrates analytic methods to deconstruct such 'thinking'.
major new document
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

in  socialism and sociology
29.03.2016 Labour Party structure
The essence of current Labour doublespeak that both soothes and befuddles a goodly proportion of the electorate.
major new document
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

in  socialism and sociology

When abelard.org seems a little quiet, lots is going on behind the scenes, both researching and developing new pages, and updating and improving pages already published.

Thus today, there are several additions in using metal in gothic cathedral construction, while the catherdals glossary, an ongoing project, is being tweaked and improved by the day.

updating documents
31.01.2016 using metal in gothic cathedral construction illustrated
Illustrated discussion on how metal was and is an integral part of a structurally sound cathedral's construction.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
21.01.2016 cathedral labyrinths and mazes in France illustrated
Lots of illustrated information on labyrinths/mazes in French cathedrals, including the original text and a new translation of the 1858 essay by a certain Jules Gailhabaud.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.

latest changes and additions 2015

04.12.2015 The introductory section of Franco was not a Fascist has been upgraded and expanded. updated document
02.10.2015 cookies at abelard.org and your privacy
In compliance with an EU edict (sorry, directive) we now inform you about cookie use. Not that blocking them stops people knowing where you are, or what you have called down/read.
major new document
06.09.2015 comparing fertility rates and populations in europe and beyond
Numbers for sustainable futures planning - fertility rates and populations, country areas, military spending.
new short briefing documents
30.07.2015 the socialism and sociology zone - under the skin of a modern religion of death
As the Labour Party appears to be exploding under the dogmas of different factions (flavours), abelard collates many documents that analyse and explain the mental poison of socialism and its subsidiary malaise, 'sociology'.
major new document
socialism, sociology, supporting documents described

in  socialism and sociology
09.05.2015 the labour party did not start the nhs | the problems with socialism
abelard lays to rest the urban myth connecting Socialists (a.k.a. the Labour Party) with the National Health Service.
major new document on education, power and economics
in  socialism and sociology
08.05.2015 the Giro d'Italia 2015 - lean and mean photo video
Being hit by austerity has compelled the organisers to return to essentials and exciting stages for sprinters and mountain men. Although kind on the riders when not racing, this Giro should be like a fierce spray of spa water!
new document in the
cycling zone
21.03.2015 socialism and education - theory and reality
With reviews by Utopianist authors Heinlein, Wells, Morris
How Socialists destroy education. Politics is about power, it is not about economics. Socialism tries to take all power away from the people, and towards the governing centre.
major new document on education, power and economics
in  socialism and sociology
30.01.2015 fabian socialists misunderstand darwinism
Fabians, early Socialists, did not realise the practical consequences of giving a certain group financial incentives. We live with those consequences - single mothers supported by the State.
subsidiary document in
 socialism and sociology

the Magna Carta, 1215 – a new English translation
For the 800th century of the Magna Carta, read and study the new, independent translation of the Magna Carta of England from abelard.org, made from the Latin of the original version of the Magna Carta (or Great Charter) of England, drawn up by the English Barons, and signed by King John at Runnymede in 1215. With links to an extensive glossary and Latin original text.

This translation tackles ambiguities found in other translations.

major new document in  civil liberties 

h.g. wells and other fabians - a socialist with a rather better mind
Looking at both a literary great and the origins of UK Socialist ambitions and policies.

major new document in
 socialism and sociology

latest changes and additions 2014

23.11.2014  significant additions to 
addendum - a dismissal of unsound reasoning in sociology
updating herds and the individual - sociology, the ephemeral nature of groups and to ends and meansand the individual
updated documents
18.11.2014 herds and the individual - sociology, the ephemeral nature of groups  abelard on the illusions of society, where humans act as individuals while believing they are part of a wider group, or groups. This is often studied as 'sociology'. major new document on group behaviour, ethics and social interactions
in  socialism and sociology
10.11.14 Progressively, many improvements and minor corrections have been made to the page Franco, an introduction. updated document
25.10.2014 Tour de France route 2015Details of this year's Greatest Show on Earth, time to start planning. With maps, mountain profiles and the schedule. The elephant in the room - why is the TDF not going to central France? Still, it does look an exhilarating if compact race. new document in the
cycling zone
14.10.2014 Hurrah! A gremlin has been expelled from the the brilliant abelard.org educational maths counter. It now works as it should. Yipee! updated document in the sums will set you free!
13.10.2014 on teaching and learning maths section in teaching mathemetics introduction updated and clarified. updated document in the sums will set you free!
1.10.2014 End of major code snarl-up affecting the news section. Pages are readable again - hurrah. maintenance update

addition to papal encyclicals and marx - some extracts: on socialism and liberalism, a page giving extracts from papal encyclicals that are critical of its competing religion, socialism.

1937: on aethestic communism / divini redemptoris

updated document in the short briefings documents section
14.08.2014 the buttresses and roof of Chartres cathedral illustrated
Holding up this wonder of the world is a web of supporting buttresses, covering it is an 19th century glory - the roof.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
03.08.2014 At last, your humble yak has updated the map of the French motorway network. updated document in the
france zone
27.07.2014 La Vuelta 2010 la Vuelta a España, 2014 - climbs to glory
There may be no Pyrenees stages, but climbing challenges abound. Essential information for following this great race.
new document in the
cycling zone
19.07.2014 Chartres cathedral - wonder of the world illustrated
Probably the best known and preserved 13th-century cathedral in France, its structure, stained glass, sculture, labyrinth and wondrousness.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
29.04.2014 establishment psycho-bunk 7 —‘asperger’s’ and ‘autism’
'autism' and 'aspergers'—one is a disease and the other a symptom. A short, objective overview of these rather fashionable, and misused, terms.
new short briefing document
15.04.2014 the communist solar system
Reproduced in full, this 1933 Labour Party pamphlet provides insights into the intentions and attitudes of Socialist politicians today.
major new document in  socialism 
29.03.2014 Clermont-Ferrand and Agde - from volcanoes to cathedrals
One has glass almost as good as that of Chartres, the other has a history chequered and violent - both built from black rock.
With many diagrams and phot-illustrations.
new document at
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.
19.01.2014 Giro d'Italia 2013
l giro d'italia 2014 - a more humane race?
This really depends on your definition of humane. With less between-stage travel and three rest days, this year's Giro may ensure the riders are fresh for the climbs and sprint finishes, but ... with repeated climbs, and gradients of up to 22% in places, it looks like another leg-destroying race.
new document in the
cycling zone

email email_abelard [at] abelard.org

© abelard, 2014, 20 january - 2021

all rights reserved

the address for this document is https://www.abelard.org/latest.htm

prints as 1 A4 pages (on my printer and set-up)

navigation bar (

 eight equal segments) on 'latest changes and additions' page, linking

to abstracts, the rise

 and fall of the Church of Rome,children and tv violence,