It is not what
you think that causes the majority of problems in communication,
it is the way in which
you think and the manner
in which you communicate.
Always, always, seek feedback.
Dogmatism has yet to be driven from human concepts of individual
and social behaviour.
It is my intention to lay the logical basis for achieving
that end.
thinking is silent.
The meaning of the word ‘one’ is synonymous with
the meaning of
‘thing’ or ‘that’ or ‘the’
or ‘bit’ or ‘object’.
Every use of every word by every person is different.
All ‘objects’ are in flux.
note: All is flux: attributed to
Time is movement.
note: this is close to the view of Augustine
To understand words, it is necessary to understand that words
have no fixed or certain meaning.
Zero has no existence or meaning outside of context. It is
possible to have no elephants in a room.
It is not possible to have no unicorns in a room, for there
are no unicorns not to be in the room.
We may always increase
our precision, but we can never be precise.
actions are objects.
A ‘universal’ is an ‘individual’
residing in a particular human brain.
Guessing right is not being right.
Guessing is not ‘knowledge’, but it is the best
we have.
Therefore, tolerance and patience is an essential to any sane
why Aristotelian logic
does not work

There are great differences in the ability of humans to learn.
It is also clear that
a great deal may be achieved by efficient child rearing and
The brain is alive and grows; it is not a static ‘machine’.
Laws are a substitute for judgement.
There is a direct link between the general level of education
and the advance of freedom.
franchise by examination,
education and intelligence

Remember that, as I cannot enter the minds of
the proposers of these nonsense games, I cannot be sure just what
errors they are making in their own minds.
metalogic A1:
Gödel and sound sets

All acts take time, including decisions and chosen acts.
Remember: all acts, even ‘stopping’, take finite
Only the present is real.
B: decision processes

Watching TV violence can be harmful to the mental health
of children
children and television violence

Ways of viewing the world: cause, chance and choice
Mind reading—mad, bad or sad
‘Opposites’ do not exist in empiric reality.
The greater
(>) the extent of ‘fuzziness’of a category, the more
impossible becomes the task of setting up an ‘opposite’.
Opposition is, therefore, a relative
concept; categories and ‘their’ ‘contraries’
must be subject to empiric validation, not treated as some ‘given’
or ‘absolute’ reality.
The logic of ethics with commentary
on the ethical teaching of Abelard le Pallet

‘Drugs’ mess with the chemistry of the brain;
drug-taking is not a risk free activity.
While being a widespread human activity, overuse of drugs
does pose risks to your long-term health and happiness, and often
to the health and happiness of those around you.
You cannot know what is the mind of another.
People adjust to their situations; they tend to feel comfortable
with whatever they have become ‘used to’.
You do not collect nearly as much pension if you kill yourself
early in your retirement, after decades of paying your taxes.
Criminalisation has the extremely damaging effect of inhibiting
those who need help and support to free themselves from drugs, and
from feeling safe to seek that help.
drugs, smoking and addiction

Production is a product of knowledge
times work times resource.
note: an idea abroad in economics
Collectivist dogmas endanger societies and threaten your
Collective identity is an illusion.
All tax is collected from current production.
- It is useful to have a definition of fundamentalism:
I put forward the following
- Any ‘creed’ that relies upon claims of
‘authority’ and of ‘absolute truth’; and
the pushing upon the immature of such dogmas in isolation from the
wider world.
A reasonable model of human behaviour is: that
humans tend to act to maximise what they perceive to be their returns,
while seeking to minimise their costs.
No ‘two’ objects can occupy the same space at
the same time.
Power, ownership and freedom

The price of any object is exactly what someone
is prepared to pay for it right now.
note: once heard from a shopkeeper
Inflation and rising prices are not the ‘same’.
A currency is money, if and only if, the people
are prepared to accept it as money.
With stable money, every wage rise for
one vested interest results in a wage drop for others in society.
The mechanics of inflation:
the great government swindle and how it works

Correlation does not imply causation.
note: an idea abroad in statistics
Statistics are indicators, not definitive guides,
and should never be used as a substitute for individual assessment.
You cannot know what is in the mind of another.
There is no such thing as ‘race’.
Intelligence: misuse
and abuse of statistics
The capital of the British Empire has merely moved to Washington.