energy hog gore - democrat hypocrisy on conspicuous display
“The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per
year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly
221,000 kWh- more than 20 times the national average.”
This is just one of four ‘homes’ allegedly owned by Al Gore. Then, of course,
there is his jet and limo lifestyle. Keep in mind that this is being compared to average consumption in a wealthy and profligate economy, therefore half the population will be using less and often much less than a twentieth of Gore’s consumption.
The Democrat shills claim that he is correcting the situation by ‘offsetting’.
Of course that is a ‘market’ that is increasingly being outed as ‘greenwashing’.
The supposed ‘offsets’ are mostly innumerate con games, recently caricatured
as the modern equivalent of the medieval selling of ‘indulgences’.

While this news reflects badly on Gore’s integrity, it does not,
of course, have any bearing whatsoever on anthropogenic global warming.
By contrast, here is Al Gore on the integrity of the fossil media
“Back in Tennessee on Tuesday, Gore told a crowd of about 50 people at
the U.S. Media Ethics Summit II that the presentation's single most provocative slide was one
that contrasts results of two long-term studies. A 10-year University of California study found that
essentially zero percent of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles
disagreed that global warming exists, whereas, another study found
that 53 percent of mainstream newspaper articles disagreed the global
warming premise".”

And here’s the Crawford ranch of that awful, hippy-hating, oil industry tool, George W. Bush:
“The 4,000-square-foot house is a model of environmental rectitude.
“Geothermal heat pumps located in a central closet circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet deep in the ground where the temperature is a constant 67 degrees; the water heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. Systems such as the one in this "eco-friendly" dwelling use about 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems utilize.
“A 25,000-gallon underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof runs; wastewater from sinks, toilets and showers goes into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is used to irrigate the landscaping surrounding the four-bedroom home. Plants and flowers native to the high prairie area blend the structure into the surrounding ecosystem.”
Not only is George Bush’s house exceptionally energy efficient, Bush’s house is under half the size of Al Gore’s 10,000 square foot pad.
the web address for the article above is
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black is the new green
“From the lights out department - did you know that a cathode ray tube
(CRT) monitor uses about 74 watts to display an all white web page, but
only uses 59 watts to display an all black page? Yes, there all still
plenty of these still in use, particularly in China and Latin America.
Worldwide, about 25 percent of the monitors currently in use are cathode
ray tubes, which means that they waste energy displaying white
backgrounds. This can add up for sites with a global audience.
“Take at look at Google, for instance, who gets about 200 million queries a
day. Let's assume each query is displayed for about 10 seconds; that means
Google is running for about 550,000 hours every day on some desktop.
Assuming that users run Google in full screen mode, the shift to a black
background will save a total of 15 (74-59) watts. Now take into account
that about 25 percent of the monitors in the world are CRTs, and at 10
cents a kilowatt-hour, that's about $75,000/year, a goodly amount of
energy and dollars for changing a few color codes.”
the web address for the article above is
“the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, gang aft agley”
“ "The really good idea was to provide habitat for marine critters so we
could double or triple marine life in the area. It just didn't work that
way," said Ray McAllister, a professor of ocean engineering at Florida
Atlantic University who was instrumental in organizing the project. "I
look back now and see it was a bad idea."
“In fact, similar problems have been reported at tire reefs worldwide.
“"They're a constantly killing coral-destruction machine," said William
Nuckols, coordinator for Coastal America, a federal group involved in
organizing a cleanup effort that includes Broward County biologists, state
scientists and Army and Navy salvage divers.
“Gov. Charlie Crist's proposed budget includes $2 million to help gather up
and remove the tires. The military divers would do their share of the work
at no cost to the state by making it part of their training.
“A month-long pilot project is set for June. The full-scale salvage
operation is expected to run through 2010 at a cost to the state of about
$3.4 million.”
the web address for the article above is
increasing ecological problems threaten chinese economy and food supplies
“The country's plans to develop its impoverished west could be imperilled,
Zhou said, adding that if the glaciers melt away and precipitation is
extremely uneven, the whole ecology of China's northwest will be
unsupportable. "Don't mention development, it won't even allow people to
live," he said.
“Zou and other experts have spelled out other worries in a series of recent
assessments, warning that global warming may trip up China's sprint for
middle-class prosperity.
“Increasingly frequent droughts and floods will threaten crops, Zou said.
Hotter weather could speed the spread of deadly infectious diseases.
Rising sea levels will slam rising waves against China's densely populated
coast, driving sea water high upstream in shrinking rivers, ruining
surrounding farmland.
“Floods, droughts, hurricanes and other climate disasters now sap at least
2 percent away from China's potential GDP every year, and the absolute
value of that damage is likely to grow with deepening climate change, Zou
related material
land conservation and food production
the web address for the article above is
highly dishonest 'report' on global warming from the fossil media national post of canada
This item includes the following:
“Tol is a Denier, to use the terminology of the "science-is-settled" camp
in the increasingly polarized global warming debate. Like many other
Deniers, Tol doesn't think the evidence is in on global warming and its
effects, he doesn't think there's reason to rush to action, and he doesn't
think that crash programs to curb global warming are called for.”
And much later:
“Yes, global warming is real, he believes, and yes, measures to mitigate
it should be taken [...]”
This is typical of fossil media distortion and the real deniers such as
the author of the sloppy article (handle with tweezers and keep your distance).
Tol is arguing responses with the proposals of Stern. He is not denying the obvious realities of anthropogenic global warming.
Tol is quoted thus:-
“There is no risk of damage [from global warming] that would force us to
act injudiciously," he explains. "We've got enough time to look for the
economically most effective options, rather than dash into 'actionism,'
which then becomes very expensive.”
This seems reasonable to me, until some idiots suppose it to mean we do not
need to act. What does “injudiciously” mean to Tol? It is very hard to say from this
awful ‘article’.
Does he mean: don’t rely on windmills? Who can tell?
Not only has the author sought to heavily distort Tol’s position, he has
not enlightened readers just what that position is.
Some comments on, and links to, the recently released IPCC report. has a
recently released briefing
document dealing with the various misunderstandings of the flat earthers. This document is currently
in beta edition, and is being actively developed.
It is relevant not to confuse Stern’s report that focuses on ‘what
to do’ with AGW, with what is happening right now on the warming front - the anthropogenic global warming [AGW].
(For a better understanding of Stern, go here
and follow ‘market failure’link.)
There is another badly written item on Stern in the
Australian fossil
media, which apparently is quoting very recent comments by Stern.
“I have heard three kinds of argument claiming that it is not necessary to
combat climate change," Sir Nicholas told a conference in Paris on Friday..”
But I can only find two ‘kinds of argument’ attributed to Stern in
the article. Ho hum.
the web address for the article above is
a fairly obvious and over-egged critique of problems with stern
Recommended reading.
“And before anyone says that the rich today must make sacrifices for the
poor tomorrow - which sounds eminently reasonable - the critics point out that, by Sir Nicholas's own
calculations, future generations will be much richer than our own. Stern predicts that, by 2200,
the annual consumption of the world will be $94,000 per person (at today's prices). In 2006, it
was $7,600. Sir Nicholas is asking us to make huge sacrifices today for people who, he himself says,
will on average be 12 times better-off than we.”
To keep all this in context, it is essential to realise that global ‘debate’
revolves around forecasts. It is fundamental to sanity to be aware
that all and any forecasting is a very fraught game,
as trillions of gamblers have discovered.
For those still struggling with the details, anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is sound and established science.
I regard those who argue against that as flat earthers.
Then come the more difficult problems: how much, when, how
costly etc.? What to do, how much to spend, when etc.?
Stern’s report lays down some markers on this road. It is very right and
proper that those markers be understood, and debated.
The above linked article has far too much rhetoric and far too few
counter proposals. In crude terms, it is destructive, not constructive. This really will not do.
The article suffers from the very same problem the lefties have each time they
whine and George Bush politely asks them for their alternative suggestions.
For more details, see related material:
“a vast market failure” - stern
the web address for the article above is
global warming is now a planetary concern
“Rising temperatures in China could slash grain production in the world's
most populous country by over a third in the second half of this century,
imperilling food security, the official Xinhua agency reported on
Wednesday.” [Quoted from]

“Indonesia and perhaps Australia risk more droughts because of shifts in
Indian Ocean temperatures and stronger monsoons widely linked to global
warming, scientists said on Wednesday.” [Quoted from]

“US scientists and evangelical Christian leaders joined forces on
Wednesday to protect the environment from the ravages of global warming,
calling on President George W. Bush and others in power to help.” [Quoted from]
That’ll give him a problem. Which is it to be, George? Big oil or big G?

But, but.... it’s expensive, say the flat earthers.
“A much bigger financial carrot is needed to get companies to spend
billions on catching carbon dioxide, a gas widely thought to cause climate
change, and bury it under the seas around Britain.
“The untested technology is likely to cost at least around 25 pounds (or 38
euros) per tonne of CO2 captured and stored, more than double the cost of
emitting carbon, according to a new report by Poyry Energy Consulting for
the UK's Department of Trade and Industry, [...]” [Quoted from]
land conservation and food production
And now wonder about this:
“The information we have is that a missile was fired at an old Chinese
weather satellite and destroyed the weather satellite, and so we would
like to hear what China has to say about it," Mr Downer said.
“ "The Chinese have always opposed the militarization of outer space, so
that's why we look forward to hearing what they have to say about the
issue," he added.
“ "They're not saying very much about it, I must say, at the moment."”
“The United States, which condemned the strike on Friday, expressed worries
that debris could endanger the manned International Space Station or
orbiting satellites.
“US ally Taiwan, which China regards as its territory and has repeatedly
threatened to invade, called for worldwide pressure on Beijing and warned
of a threat to regional peace.
“Canada also expressed "strong concerns" over the strike.” [Quoted from]
the web address for the article above is
on-rush of science - making food
Eat yourself, or invite your friend into the stew.
“The political fight over animal cloning is just beginning. It's a lot
like the fight over human cloning, except that the roles are reversed.
Right-wing groups and Republican senators fanned fear and ignorance about
human cloning; left-wing groups and Democratic senators are fanning fear
and ignorance about animal cloning. Moderates on both sides get trampled.
So do principles. The same liberals who demand stem-cell research using
human embryos and who blasted the FDA for delaying approval of emergency
contraception now accuse the FDA of recklessly approving cloned food.” [Quoted from]

Meanwhile, here’s a list of problems that may be cured by cloning
meat directly. Forget all about the unnecessary intermediate nuisance of methane-generating cows.
“Despite its popularity, meat - both in production and consumption - has a
number of adverse effects on human health, environmental quality, and
animal welfare.
“These include:
“Meat-borne pathogens and contaminants, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter,
pathogenic E. coli, Avian influenza, and Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE). In the United States, foodborne diseases - the most common causes
of which are contaminated meats - are responsible for over 76 million
episodes of illness, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths each year.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to the routine use of antibiotics in
“Soil, air, and water pollution from farm animal wastes; Annually, 1.4
billion tons of farm animal wastes are produced in the United States.
Together with animal feed production, meat production is responsible for
the emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus, pesticide contamination of
water, heavy metal contamination of soil, and acid rain from ammonia
“In addition, in the United States, a quarter of all the human-induced
production of the greenhouse gas, methane, comes from farm animals and
their waste products.
“Inhumane treatment of farm animals; 9 billion farm animals are killed each
year in the United States to produce meat. The conditions in which these
animals are raised and killed raise serious concerns about their welfare.
“Depletion of fishing stocks. 75 percent of existing fishing stocks are
either fully- or over-exploited” [Quoted from]

So, solve the problems!
“One technique is to grow cells in large flat sheets on special thin
membranes. The sheets of meat would be grown and stretched, then removed
from the membranes and stacked on top of one another to increase
“The other method would be to grow the muscle cells on small
three-dimensional beads that stretch with small changes in temperature.
The mature cells could then be harvested and turned into a processed meat,
like fish sticks, nuggets or hamburgers.” [Quoted from]
Last two links from Lazar.
related material
land conservation and food production
the web address for the article above is
global warming in russia - from your caring fossil fuel industry
“NTV television, owned by state-controlled Gazprom, hardly helped lift the
gloom by screening a documentary suggesting the mild winter was the
belated result of global warming sparked not by carbon emissions but by
the so-called Tunguska Event of 1908 - when a meteorite or comet is believed to have exploded in
the air above a remote part of Siberia with the force of a nuclear blast.
“The warming climate, it continued, might be part of a chain reaction that
would lead to a new ice age and the end of the world in 2019. So much for
the season of good cheer.”
related material
Tunguska Event
the web address for the article above is
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Giant ice shelf
broke free in the arctic
the web address for the article above is