embarrasses the posturers by bringing their ‘emissions’ debate
down to earth
“China says its one-child policy has helped the fight against
global warming by avoiding 300 million births, the equivalent of the
population of the United States.”
“But avoiding 300 million births "means we averted 1.3 billion
tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2005" based on average world per capital
emissions of 4.2 tonnes, he said.
“A country emitting 1.3 billion tonnes a year would rank just
ahead of Germany on a global list of emitters behind only the United
States, China, Russia, India and Japan.”
“[...] world population is projected to soar to about 9 billion
by 2050 from 6.6 billion now.”
the web address for the article above is
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on the real filth and destruction of the fossil fuel industry
“According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a scientific
advocacy group, annual emissions from a typical coal plant include 10,000
tons of sulfur dioxide, the major cause of acid rain; 10,200 tons of
nitrogen oxide, a major contributor to smog; 500 tons of small particles,
which cause lung damage and other respiratory problems; 225 pounds of
arsenic; 114 pounds of lead; and many other toxic heavy metals, including
170 pounds of mercury, which can cause birth defects, brain damage and
other ailments.
“But the big issue is global warming. Burning coal accounts
for more than one-third of U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide, the main
greenhouse gas. In a single year, a big coal plant emits as much carbon
dioxide as 1 million SUVs. Coal plants that are built today emit just
as much CO2 as those that were built 50 years ago (there have been some
marginal gains in efficiency, but not many). In the future, carbon dioxide
might be captured from coal plants and pumped underground into abandoned
oil wells or deep saline aquifers, but at the moment, these solutions
are unproven and expensive.” [Quoted from]

“China's uranium from coal ash project China National Nuclear
Corp has commissioned Sparton Resources of Canada with the Beijing No.5
Testing Institute to undertake advanced trials on leaching uranium from
coal ash out of the Xiaolongtang power station in Yunnan. The ash contains
160-180 ppm U - above the cut-off level for some uranium mines. The
power station ash heap contains over 1000 tU, with annual arisings of
106 tU.” [Quoted from]
related material
fossil fuel disasters
the web address for the article above is
updated: greece on fire
Image from 28 August, 2007
Link to larger and still further expandable image.

Extensive fires in Greece, large enough to be
seen by a NASA satellite.
Image courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Project at NASA/GSFC
Note that the fires are extensively situated near the south-western coast of Greece. The large island at the lower right of this image is Crete.
the web address for the article above is
to annoy watermelons - the logic is that, for efficiency, the advanced world
should pay to reduce third world pollution [audio file, requiring realPlayer]
to the Beeb hack putting leftist dogma before effectiveness in a 4.5-minute
interview with Yvo de Boer, head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
“ "The atmosphere does not care where emissions are reduced
as long as they are reduced."
“ "We have been reducing emissions and making energy use
more efficient in industrialised countries for a long time," [...]”
The argument is that, while it is bad economics to work at reducing
pollution still further in the West, reducing pollution in the Third World
helps those economies, offers business opportunities for the West, as well improving the environment.
the web address for the article above is
james hansen on jesters (useful fools) and irresponsible ceos
This item has been incorporated in the short briefing document, Gathering data to test global warming
the web address for the article above is
on the chinese ‘miracle’
“For decades, China has been trying to hold back the deserts
that cover one-third of the country and produce seasonal sandstorms
that scour Beijing and other northern cities. Experts say deforestation
and overfarming are to blame for desertification, though global warming
may become a greater factor in the future, as the Tibetan glaciers that
feed China's waterways are melting.
“China has more than 20 percent of the world's population and
only 7 percent of its arable land. China announced Monday that rising
food prices pushed the inflation rate in July to 5.6 percent, a 10-year
high. Adding to the pressure on farmland is rampant environmental degradation
that has poisoned waterways and soil.
“To combat the encroaching Tengger and Badain Jaran deserts,
China has planted billions of trees - to replace felled forests and
as barriers against the sand. This isn't a panacea, though, say experts,
as thirsty trees can exacerbate the problem by sucking up groundwater.”
And another Chinese mega-project -
the farcical, politically correct, Beijing Wheezimpics. People
with breathing or heart problems are being warned to keep away from the
Beijing Olympics. Those who are not yet ill, are welcome to travel around
the world to the games, further increasing the filth.
“Beijing, home to about 16 million people, has just over 3 million
registered vehicles, mostly comprising private cars, buses, taxis and
government vehicles.”
related material
average life expectation of china’s
big city traffic cops - 43 years
the web address for the article above is
on bee colony collapse
“Add this to the stress of days spent bumping over the interstates,
and it wouldn't be surprising that colonies can't fight off the mites
and viruses that plague them. A working bee's life has become as stressful
as any human cube-dweller's. Colony Collapse Disorder, then, may be
no more than the result of one too many things going wrong in a bad
year, surmises bee broker Denise Qualls.
“Beekeepers, especially commercial beekeepers, have always lost
10 to 20 percent of their hives when they come out here for pollination,"
says Qualls, whose company, Pollination Connection, helps manage the
annual rush of bees from all over the country that converge on California
for the almond season. "Granted, the loss is higher, but -- you
know, they used to just call it bad beekeeping. Now they have a name
for it.
“Qualls thinks inbred queens are another possible factor in collapsing
colonies. The queen produces all the eggs to replace workers, and she
secretes pheromones that keep the hive humming. The conventional wisdom
is to purchase queens bred to be gentle and good honey producers; some
beekeepers replace the queen each year, because a younger queen is supposed
to be healthier. "But they keep coming from the same stock,"
Qualls points out, so any vulnerabilities may get reinforced.”
related material
on empty hives
the web address for the article above is
the alternative kyoto is powering ahead
“The United States on Tuesday staked out its position ahead of a
climate change summit next month by endorsing new technologies, paid
for by rapid economic growth, as the way to reduce greenhouse gas
Let’s hope that this doesn’t become another evasive window-dressing to hide delay.
the web address for the article above is
agw - local system models increasingly melded with planetary models
“Previous projections of climate change accounted for external factors
-- like changes in solar radiation absorbed by the earth's atmosphere
-- and the effect of man
but did not consider variations in natural
influences on climate within the earth's atmosphere, according to
Britain's official forecaster.
“Occurrences of El Nino, for example, have a significant effect on
shorter-term predictions. By including such internal variability, we
have shown a substantial improvement in predictions of surface
temperature," Smith said.
“Observed relative cooling in the Southern Ocean and tropical Pacific
over the last couple of years was correctly predicted by the new
system, giving us greater confidence in the model's performance.”
related material
tracking and measuring global warming is not as easy as cribbage
global warming, and ocean acidity
the web address for the article above is
ice within arctic circle continues to shrink 
Record lowest extents of ice are beating previous
record lows for time of year - closing on absolute record minimum.
“Sea ice extent continues to decline, and stands at 5.4 million
square kilometers (2.1 million square miles) for August 13, 2007, compared
to a typical August monthly average of 7.7 million square kilometers
(2.96 million square miles).”
“We are already very close to surpassing the record absolute minimum
of 5.36 million square kilometers (2.06 million square miles) that was
observed on September 19, 2005. Unless conditions change markedly there
is still almost another month ice loss ahead of us.”
“During a two-week period in late June and early July 2007, sea
ice declined at a pace of up to 210,000 square kilometers (81,081 square
miles) per day, or the equivalent of an area the size of Kansas each
day. This rate was unprecedented in the satellite record,”
“At this point in the 2007 melt season, this much is already clear:
the Arctic is experiencing an unprecedented sixth consecutive year with
much less sea ice than normal, and it looks like this year's sea ice
melt season may herald a new and steeper rate of decline.”
the web address for the article above is
tracking and measuring global warming is not as easy as cribbage
This item has been incorporated in the short briefing document, Gathering data to test global warming
the web address for the article above is
illegal marijuana growers trashing wilderness sites
“There is a reason you never hear of anyone planting clandestine
vineyards in the national parks," said Bruce Mirken, a spokesman for
the Marijuana Policy Project in San Francisco. "Marijuana can be grown
safely in an environmentally responsible way, or it can be grown
the web address for the article above is
average life expectation of china’s big city traffic cops - 43 years
And this is the venue of the Olympics! How many ‘records’ will break as they cough their way to the finish lines?
“Chinese city traffic police have an average life expectancy of just
43 years because of the dire working conditions and pollution, state
media said on Tuesday.”
the web address for the article above is