politicians continue to destroy cod stocks for politics
and profit
This report is light weight, butis
the best I have so far found on this latest European political
“The 25 fisheries ministers of the European
Union have rejected a plan to close areas of the North
Sea to cod fishing. And for the fifth year running they
have ignored scientists' pleas to stop cod fishing in
the North Sea entirely, instead allowing a catch for
2005 of 27,300 tonnes, the same as 2004.
“ "You really have to ask if the ministers
are serious about saving the cod," says Charlotte
Mogensen, a marine biologist working with WWF, the Worldwide
Fund for Nature, in Brussels, Belgium. Scientists fear
that without drastic action, cod might disappear in
the North Sea as it did in the 1990s off Newfoundland."
Those making most fuss against the
necessary cuts were apparently the UK and France, with
most others keeping their heads down with the exception
of the Baltic states .
In case of you are unaware, reducing
days of fishing does not tend to reduce the devastation
because of an arms race for more efficient killing vessels
ensues, and because of much cheating. Conservation zones
are vital.
for a general survey, read
end of the line 
The tragedy of the commons, short briefing document
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toad invasion now closing in on darwin
“Cane toads were first introduced into Queensland
in 1935, to control beetles that were ravaging the sugar
harvest. But the toads found other invertebrates more
to their taste, and have since competed vigorously with
native insectivores. They have also defeated most of
their predators; the bulging poison glands behind their
eyes mean that a first encounter with a cane toad is
often the last.”
“ Another project in the same area will examine
the toads' appetite for invertebrates. One of Shine's
undergraduate students, Matt Greenlees, has built a
series of small metal enclosures in which he plans to
put toads, to see how much damage they inflict on populations
of insects and other invertebrates. Once the toads have
colonized the Fogg Dam area, he will clear the enclosures
and maintain them as toad-free habitats.”
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moves to declare ocean reserves
you should be informed –
“One-third of the world's oceans should be declared
protected areas to stop the wholesale slaughter of fish
species, an influential group of scientists said on
“ Around the world there's evidence that creating
marine reserves -- areas where fishing is not allowed
-- leads to a several fold increase in the size and
number of fish, shellfish and other animals," commission
chairman Tom Blundell said.
“A third of the Great Barrier Reef is closed
to fishing and countries like New Zealand and South
Africa have plans to designate between 10 and 20 percent
of their marine environment as reserves," he added.
“But they were the exception, leaving only a
minuscule fraction of the world's oceans protected from
the depredations of commercial fishing.
“The commission said the move was affordable,
citing figures that suggested closing 30 percent of
the world's oceans would cost up to 7.5 billion pounds
($14.5 billion) a year compared to the 16 billion pounds
spent subsidising commercial fishing."
“ The commission, though, said single-species
conservation programmes were no longer enough.”
related material
end of the line 
tragedy of the commons, short briefing document
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ratings - energy efficiency in buildings 
A useful summary item, recommended
“There are many ways to reduce a building's
environmental impact. Consider the 48-storey Condé
Nast Building at 4 Times Square in New York, for example,
which was designed by Fox & Fowle Architects. It
was one of the first examples in which green-architecture
principles were applied to a large urban office building,
and informed the drawing up of the LEED points system,
since it uses almost every energy-saving technique imaginable.
“Special glass allows daylight in to reduce the
need for interior lighting, keeps heat and ultraviolet
rays out, and minimises heat loss in winter. Two natural-gas-powered
fuel cells provide 400 kilowatts of power, enough to
provide all the electricity needed at night, and 5%
of the building's needs during the day. The hot-water
exhaust produced by the fuel cells is used to help heat
the building and provide hot water. The heating and
cooling systems, located on the roof, are gas-powered
rather than electric, which reduces energy losses associated
with electrical power transmission. Photovoltaic panels
on the building's exterior provide up to an additional
15 kilowatts of power. Inside the building, motion sensors
control fans and switch off lights in seldom-occupied
areas such as stairwells. Exit signs are illuminated
by low-power light-emitting diodes. The result is that
the building's energy consumption is 35-40% lower than
that of a comparable conventional building.”
“ Going green saves money by reducing long-term
energy costs: a survey of 99 green buildings in America
found that on average, they use 30% less energy than
comparable conventional buildings. So any additional
building costs can be recovered quickly: according to
the USGBC, the 2% increase in construction costs required
to achieve a LEED gold rating typically pays for itself
in lower running costs within two years. The traditional
approach of trying to minimise construction costs, by
contrast, can lead to higher energy bills and wasted
I think the few small illustrations
are also useful.
In my view, there should be an
illustration of the Avax building. I have located a so-so
one, along with some notes, on page 8 of this
PDF document. There is also
a photo that does not show much useful here.
related material
environmental cost of building construction, wood, steel
or concrete?
standards in the usa
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for water and food supplies in asia as planet warms
An attentive scan is recommended.
The most populated area of the planet
is estimated to be under increasing pressure:
“ [...] rapid melting of glaciers poses a major
threat to the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and
parts of China.
“Seven major rivers, including the Ganges, Indus,
Brahmaputra and the Mekong, begin in the Himalayas and
the glacial meltwater during summer months is crucial
to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people
“But many of these glaciers are melting quickly
and will be unable to act as reservoirs that moderate
river flows. This means less water in the dry season
and the chance for more extreme floods during the wet
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destruction of african fisheries cited regarding extending
bushmeat destruction
Using data from six Ghanaian nature reserves between
1970 and 1998, the research team found a massive 76
percent fall in abundance for 41 species of larger mammals.
Over a similar period the marine fish catch in Ghana
ranged from 230,000 to 480,000 tons annually, varying
by as much as 24 percent in consecutive years. When
regional fish supplies dropped, reports of bush-meat
hunters on the reserves were seen to rise. Likewise,
bush meat for sale at 12 local markets was found to
increase when fish supplies fell.
Brashares says wild animals that suffered most were
large carnivores such as lions, leopards, and hyenas;
primates including colobus and mona monkeys; and several
herbivores (hippos, giant hogs, and bongo antelopes).
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of the glaciers
recommended reading: 
“A glacier is an archivist and historian. It
registers every fluctuation of weather. It saves everything
no matter how small or big, including pollen, dust,
heavy metals, bugs, and minerals. As snow becomes firn
and then ice, oxygen bubbles are trapped in the glacier,
providing samples of ancient atmosphere: carbon dioxide
and methane. Records of temperatures and levels of atmospheric
gases from before industrialization can be compared
with those after -- a mere 150 years. We can now see
that the steady gains in greenhouse gases and air and
water temperatures have occurred only since the rise
of our smokestack and tailpipe society.
“ A glacier is time incarnate. When we lose a
glacier -- and we are losing most of them -- we lose
history, an eye into the past; we lose stories of how
living beings evolved, how weather vacillated, why plants
and animals died. The retreat and disappearance of glaciers
-- there are only 160,000 left -- means we're burning
libraries and damaging the planet, possibly beyond repair.
Bit by bit, glacier by glacier, rib by rib, we're living
the Fall.”
“[...] the albedo
effect -- the ability of ice and snow to deflect
heat back into space -- is quickly diminishing. Snow
and ice are the Earth's built-in air conditioner --
crucial to the health of the planet. Without winter's
white mantle, Earth will become a heat sponge. As heat
escalates, all our sources of fresh water will disappear.”
Also note:
“Global warming in the Arctic is happening now,
warns the most comprehensive scientific report to date.
The reports concludes that the northern ice cap is warming
at twice the global rate and that this will lead to
serious consequences for the planet.” [quoted
from New]
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smart car—a summary
“The problem was, with so little car out front,
there was nothing left to crush between you and, say,
an oncoming Escalade. So Smart designers invented the
Fortwo's main style and safety feature: a bulky steel
cell, visible inside and out, that frames the passenger
compartment like a roll cage and absorbs the shock of
a head-on collision. What happens if some Detroit-engineered
behemoth plows into the featherweight Fortwo? I got
a pretty good idea, watching a Smart-sponsored crash
test with a Mercedes E-Class: The big sedan crumpled,
and the Fortwo ricocheted. In a separate test, by the
European New Car Assessment Program, a 40-mph impact
with a concrete wall failed to dent the safety cell.
They awarded the Smart a three-star crash rating - nothing
like a Volvo but better than a Ford Escort, which weighs
nearly half a ton more than the Fortwo.”
“ Body panels made from a hybrid of soda-bottle
and CD plastic, the panels require no paint - the color
is solid all the way through and therefore unscratchable.
Interlocking parts make swapping panels easy.”
Note: 70mpg probably refers to American
gallons (but the method of calculation is not mentioned).
70 mpgUS is 84.3 mph in UK gallons,
or 18.5 miles per litre/ 30 km per litre.
related material
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the heat in during winter
Don’t pay to heat the universe:
- “United States Department of Energy (D.O.E.)
statistics show that 44 percent of the average home's
energy use is devoted to heating and cooling.”
- “Heat-loss through windows accounts for 10
to 25 percent of your home heating bill.”
- “Insulate. Priority one is the roof, where
rising heat tries to escape your home. If you already
have insulation, consider increasing the amount in your
attic. "It's basically adding another blanket on
your bed," Silva said. "But be sure you don't
separate insulation layers with a vapor barrier. Also,
it's very, very important that the more you insulate
your attic, the more you must ventilate. The attic is
a space that you don't want to heat. Ideally, you'd
want the underside of the roof to be as cool as the
Oh, and by the way:
“On freezers that aren't frost-free, defrost
the freezer before the frost exceeds a quarter-inch
thick. More frost makes the freezer work harder.”
[quote from Bluejay]
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pressures on food supply and arable land
“ [...] Last year saw a continued decline in
worldwide grain stockpiles in spite of increasing production.
Coarse grain stocks are now the lowest in three decades,
with only about a 50-day supply (70 days is considered
necessary for food security).”
“More food will not come from more land because,
aside from fragile lands in Brazil, there is little
new land left to exploit. New technologies will help,
but we have peaked on the benefits of many of them.
The green leaf can convert only so much energy to carbohydrates
and proteins.”
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