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how brown the clown turns profit into loss
But Brown the Clown says he must take still more tax from the economy in order to ‘safeguard the recovery’. Meanwhile, he’s increased UK borrowings by over £23.5 billion in one month (March) as he tries to buy the election, equivalent to over £400 for every man. woman and child in the country. The structural deficit in the UK is considerably worse than that of Greece. And here we have the socialist government claimed tax figures since they moved in to destroy the economy, taken from a marxist source. The figures do not include the vast increase in PFIs, nor the huge borrowing figures - borrowings which will turn up as next year’s taxes.
Now, even by the government’s fraudulent figures, standards of living are falling in the UK for the first time since Noye was a boy.
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there remains basic misunderstanding of banks in a fiat money system In France, lawyers, called notaires, deal with many transactions, house sales among others. Notaire’s ‘fees’ can amount to more than 20% of the house price! But ... the notaire only receives maybe 1%, if lucky, on which he pays tax. The rest of the fees are also tax, which goes to various layers of government. In the UK, people sell lottery tickets. Again, most of the money ends up in the hands of the government. The banks in a fiat economy occupy similar positions. They manage the money system wholly owned by the government. The government make vast returns on their money printing machines through ‘inflation’, a dishonest form of tax. The banks are also used by the government to impose all manner of other controls and spying systems. Naturally, the bankers, a disguised form of the old time tax collectors, tend to skim off a percentage. And if the banks get in a muddle, then - why - the government duns still more tax to bail-out/fund their tax collectors. It is a fundamental error to mistake banks for ‘normal’ real businesses. Washing machine manufacturers may make washing machines, but, despite the widespread confusions of the tin-foil hat brigade, banks do not produce money. Money production in a fiat economy is entirely a government process under full government control. However, a part of that process is licensed out to the tax collectors, just as a part of the process is licensed out to lottery sellers or notaires in France. related material
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on the ever increasing tensions caused by ever closer union and by the euro
More details at the link
From my document on EMU and the euro, written in early 1998. It was written in response to very widespread claims that Britain joining the EMU was ‘inevitable’ and could not be stopped.
So far, much of the Greek debt appears to be held by Swiss and French banks. Further worries remain about national debt in Spain, Portugal and other European countries. Recalling the grave troubles of the international banking system, caused by toxic debt and fears to lending, met by vast money-printing and remaining uncertainties, it would be sensible to be concerned that any sovereign defaults could result in further panics and resorts to the printing press. |