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may the american forces for freedom rain down ever more honour down upon the jihadis

“Al Qaeda in Iraq confirmed Zarqawi's death: "We herald the martyrdom of our mujahid (warrior) Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq... and we stress that this is an honour to our nation," signed by Zarqawi's deputy, Abu Abdulrahman al-Iraqi.”

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Michelle Malkin has created a fun celebratory propaganda video [21.5MB]. Enjoy. :-)

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haditha, the fossil media and islamist morality - the auroran sunset

If you believe the fossil media:

“Enough details have emerged from survivors and military personnel to conclude that in the town of Haditha last November, members of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment perpetrated a massacre.”

Don’t worry about evidence, trial or a defence. We have “enough details to conclude”. No need to take pause from the statement of CNN's embedded reporter with that particular regiment:

“I know the Marines that were operating in western al Anbar, from Husayba all the way to Haditha. I went on countless operations in 2005 up and down the Euphrates River Valley. I was pinned on rooftops with them in Ubeydi for hours taking incoming fire, and I've seen them not fire a shot back because they did not have positive identification on a target. (Watch a Marine's anguish over deaths -- 2:12)

“I saw their horror when they thought that they finally had identified their target, fired a tank round that went through a wall and into a house filled with civilians. They then rushed to help the wounded -- remarkably no one was killed.

“I was with them in Husayba as they went house to house in an area where insurgents would booby-trap doors, or lie in wait behind closed doors with an AK-47, basically on suicide missions, just waiting for the Marines to come through and open fire. There were civilians in the city as well, and the Marines were always keenly aware of that fact. How they didn't fire at shadows, not knowing what was waiting in each house, I don't know. But they didn't.

“And I was with them in Haditha, a month before the alleged killings last November of some 24 Iraqi civilians.”

There is no need to worry about minor details like “innocent until proven guilty”, because the fossil media can say what they like in the knowledge that the Bush administration and the military are ethically and legally bound to wait for the results of their investigations, rather than wading in with bald emotive statements:

“It will be easy for the left to drive this story into a frothing political rage because they will have the field to themselves. If anyone in the military chain of command (including civilian leaders such as Secretary Rumsfeld) says anything about the case that could be interpreted as prejudging it or attempting to influence the outcome, the charges could be dismissed under the military law doctrine that prohibits "command influence."”

The ends justify the means. The West is decadent, ethics are for saps:

“Del Gaudio said he made a tough call after a roadside bomb killed four of his men in April. While securing the scene, he was shot at by a machine gun in a follow-up attack. When he aimed his weapon to return fire, he saw that the gunmen had a line of children standing in front of them and two men filming with video cameras. He held fire until the children moved out of the way but was shot in his hand, which was only inches from his face. "Restraint almost cost me my life," he said.”

Leads variously from Belmont and Hewitt.

[Warning: Hewitt is a Republican party flak - you will not get anything like a full picture if you are only reading his items; as long as you are aware of that, he can be useful.]

Here is how the Israelis see the jihadis. Seems they are not exaggerating.

marker at

Of course it is possible that this “massacre” is both genuine and was committed by US marines. In which case the marines in questions will no doubt end up in jail, just as did those responsible for the disgusting behaviour at Abu Ghraib. That is how the American system works: possible miscreants are investigated and, if found guilty, usually go to jail.

But it is not as if this would be the first time the fossil media have made up a massacre, or at least pushed a massacre obviously made-up by known enemies of freedom and civilisation. Nor would it be the first time for the fossil media to be economical with the truth - here’s a highly incomplete list from over a year ago:

“[..] who's heard of Rather or CBS? Who's heard of Jordan or CNN? who's heard of the AP or Reuters? Who's heard of the BBC? who's heard of the New York Times, LA Times or Guardian? who's heard of the ninety-four percent of reporters who vote Democrat? Who's heard of faked documents, faked bombings, faked kidnappings or faked massacres? [..] Who's heard of decades of denial, justification and coverup of mass-murder by socialist tyrants?”

America still has a legal system that works on the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”. The fossil media apparently has a higher cause that doesn’t require niceties such as ethics. No wonder they hate America so. They aren’t against the war, they are on the other side.

the web address for the article above is

the long war against nihilistic fundamentalism

“In the past four years alone, more than 110 million human beings across the world have joined the ranks of the free -- and this is only the beginning. The message has spread from Damascus to Tehran that the future belongs to freedom -- and we will not rest until the promise of liberty reaches every people and every nation.”
George W. Bush

Read the originals, not the spin and out of context quotes.

Christopher Hitchens, long part of the socialist establishment, has, like a few others, discovered that his integrity will not allow him to go along with the intellectual dishonesty of the cult.

“So that was what was actually happening on that celebrated "Saturday". A vast crowd of people reiterating the identical mantras of Ba’athism - one of the most depraved and reactionary ideologies of the past century. How on earth, or how the hell, did we arrive at this sordid terminus? How is it that the anti-war movement’s favourite MP, George Galloway, has a warm if not slightly sickly relationship with dictators in Baghdad and Damascus?

“How comes it that Ramsey Clark, the equivalent public face in America, is one of Saddam’s legal team and has argued that he was justified in committing the hideous crimes of which he stands accused? Why is the left’s beloved cultural icon, Michael Moore, saying that the "insurgents" in Iraq are the equivalent of the American revolutionaries of 1776?

“I believe there are three explanations for this horrid mutation of the left into a reactionary and nihilistic force. The first is nostalgia for the vanished "People’s Democracies" of the state socialist era. This has been stated plainly by Galloway and by Clark, whose political sect in the United States also defends Castro and Kim Jong-il.

“The bulk of the anti-war movement also opposed the removal of the Muslim-slayer Slobodan Milosevic, which incidentally proves that their professed sympathy with oppressed Muslims is mainly a pose.”

Meanwhile, the great George Bush greets the new alumni soldiers for freedom:

“West Point has adapted to prepare you for the war you're about to enter. Since the attacks of September the 11th, 2001, this Academy has established a new Combating Terrorism Center, a new minor in Terrorism Studies, with new courses in counter-insurgency operations, intelligence, and homeland security, and winning the peace. West Point has expanded Arabic language training, has hired new faculty with expertise in Islamic law and culture, brought in members of the 101st and 82nd Airborne to train you and share their experiences on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. And each of you endured gruelling Saturday training events where you practiced identifying IEDs, conducting convoy operations and running checkpoints. By changing to meet the new threats, West Point has given you the skills you will need in Afghanistan and Iraq -- and for the long war with Islamic radicalism that will be the focus of much of your military careers.

“This Academy went through a similar period of change six decades ago, at the end of World War II. Some of West Point's greatest graduates -- men like Eisenhower and Bradley, Patton and MacArthur had just brought our nation victory in Europe and Japan. Yet, almost immediately, a new threat appeared on the horizon -- the threat of Imperial Communism. And West Point, like America, had to prepare for a long struggle with a new adversary, one that would require the determination of generations of Americans.”

“ While there are real differences between today's war and the Cold War, there are also many important similarities. Like the Cold War, we are fighting the followers of a murderous ideology that despises freedom, crushes all dissent, has territorial ambitions, and pursues totalitarian aims. Like the Cold War, our enemies are dismissive of free peoples, claiming that men and women who live in liberty are weak and lack the resolve to defend our way of life. Like the Cold War, our enemies believe that the innocent can be murdered to serve a political vision. And like the Cold War, they're seeking weapons of mass murder that would allow them to deliver catastrophic destruction to our country. If our enemies succeed in acquiring such weapons, they will not hesitate to use them, which means they would pose a threat to America as great as the Soviet Union.

“Against such an enemy, there is only one effective response: We will never back down, we will never give in, and we will never accept anything less than complete victory.”

Fortunately, Bush gets it. How very appropriate that the brainded socialists and jihadis so hate him!

How very appropriate that dishonest socialists even hate Bush for admitting errors over Iraq.

George Bush and Tony Bliar speeches and news conference on Iran, Iraq and UN reform.

Bush :

“Sounds like kind of a familiar refrain here -- saying "bring it on," kind of tough talk, you know, that sent the wrong signal to people. I learned some lessons about expressing myself maybe in a little more sophisticated manner -- you know, "wanted dead or alive," that kind of talk. I think in certain parts of the world it was misinterpreted, and so I learned from that. And I think the biggest mistake that's happened so far, at least from our country's involvement in Iraq is Abu Ghraib. We've been paying for that for a long period of time. And it's -- unlike Iraq, however, under Saddam, the people who committed those acts were brought to justice. They've been given a fair trial and tried and convicted.”

Bliar :

“I think inevitably some of the things that we thought were going to be the biggest challenge proved not to be, and some of the things we didn't expect to be challenges at all proved to be immense. I think that probably in retrospect -- though at the time it was very difficult to argue this -- we could have done the de-Baathification in a more differentiated way than we did.

“I think that the most difficult thing, however, has been the determination of people to move against the democratic process in Iraq in a way that I think -- as I was saying a moment or two ago -- indicates our opponents' very clear view from a very early stage that they have to stop the democratic process working. And I think it's easy to go back over mistakes that we may have made, but the biggest reason why Iraq has been difficult is the determination of our opponents to defeat us. And I don't think we should be surprised at that.

“Maybe in retrospect, when we look back, it should have been very obvious to us, and is obvious still in Afghanistan that for them, it is very clear. You know, they can't afford to have these countries turned round, and I think that probably, there was a whole series of things in Iraq that were bound to come out once you got al Qaeda and other groups operating in there to cause maximum destruction and damage. And therefore, I'm afraid in the end, we're always going to have to be prepared for the fall of Saddam not to be the rise of democratic Iraq, that it was going to be a more difficult process.

“ The decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power was controversial. We did not find the weapons of mass destruction that we all believed were there -- and that's raised questions about whether the sacrifice in Iraq has been worth it. Despite setbacks and missteps, I strongly believe we did and are doing the right thing. Saddam Hussein was a menace to his people; he was a state sponsor of terror; he invaded his neighbors. Investigations proved he was systematically gaming the oil-for-food program in an effort to undermine sanctions, with the intent of restarting his weapons programs once the sanctions collapsed and the world looked away.”

“ But not everything since liberation has turned out as the way we had expected or hoped. We've learned from our mistakes, adjusted our methods, and have built on our successes. From changing the way we train the Iraqi security forces to rethinking the way we do reconstruction, our commanders and our diplomats in Iraq are constantly adapting to the realities on the ground. We've adapted our tactics, yet the heart of our strategy remains the same: to support the emergence of a free Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.”

Admission of errors and learning from errors is a road completely blocked to the jihadi or socialist cultist. This is a major reason why they never think, never change and always lose over the long run.

Of course, when such people hear others accepting mistakes have been made, naturally they cannot understand that. They regard it as a weakness to be exploited, not as simple honesty and a willingness to learn.

Jihadis and socialists, like any fundies, live in a world of foolish dogmatic certainties.

I call it the arrogance of ignorance.

the web address for the article above is

saudi textbooks still teaching jihad despite claims of post 9-11 revision - the auroran sunset

The Saudi dictatorship’s claims:

“Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, has worked aggressively to spread this message. "The kingdom has reviewed all of its education practices and materials, and has removed any element that is inconsistent with the needs of a modern education," he said on a recent speaking tour to several U.S. cities. "Not only have we eliminated what might be perceived as intolerance from old textbooks that were in our system, we have implemented a comprehensive internal revision and modernization plan." ”

Allegedly from a first grade textbook post-elimination:

“Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (Islam, hellfire): Every religion other than ______________ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____________.”

For the fourth grade:

“It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in God and His Prophet, or someone who fights the religion of Islam.”

For the eighth grade:

“As cited in Ibn Abbas: The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.”

For the twelfth grade:

“Jihad in the path of God -- which consists of battling against unbelief, oppression, injustice, and those who perpetrate it -- is the summit of Islam. This religion arose through jihad and through jihad was its banner raised high. It is one of the noblest acts, which brings one closer to God, and one of the most magnificent acts of obedience to God.”

These books are apparently used in all Wahhabi schools worldwide, including in the USA.

“Scholars estimate that within the Saudi public school curriculum, Islamic studies make up a quarter to a third of students' weekly classroom hours in lower and middle school, plus several hours each week in high school. Educators who question or dissent from the official interpretation of Islam can face severe reprisals. In November 2005, a Saudi teacher who made positive statements about Jews and the New Testament was fired and sentenced to 750 lashes and a prison term. (He was eventually pardoned after public and international protests.)”

related material
islamic authoritarianism

the web address for the article above is

michael totten goes to iraq & turkey - the auroran sunset
[Totten’s blog: Three and a Half GoldenYak (tm) award]

Michael Totten used to be a fossil media professional. He still does occasional work for the fossil media in order to finance his excellent blog (he also solicits donations, which seem well deserved). Since the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, he has been living in Beirut, reporting on and helping the cause. He appears to have moved back to the United States very recently, at least for the time being. During his ‘stay’ in Beirut, he produced fascinating reports from Egypt, Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkey and of course Lebanon. He also wrangled an interview with a Hezbollah spokesman. Before that he went to see Libya. And there’s probably more I've missed.

Totten’s reports are long, matter of fact but conversational, narrations of what he sees and hears. He goes out of his way to talk to people wherever he goes, making for some interesting and sometimes very funny reading. He clearly likes the area and the people, but he is far from rosy-eyed about the problems, whether relating to poverty, to corruption, to culture, or to mad Islamists. His reports are also scattered with helpful photographs of things like supermarket shelves, ordinary suburbs, urban wastelands, etc., along with the more touristy images.

Totten tries to flesh out the reader’s picture of the Middle East, which can be somewhat melodramatic if all they know are the geopolitically interesting highlights of bombs, dictators, oil and loons saying they’ll nuke us if we don’t let them nuke us. He manages to do this while avoiding the glossy exaggeration and sidetracks into moral equivalence common to most social comment on backward societies. Adventurous backpackers would also benefit greatly from his experience in dealing with language problems, corruption problems and people-in-foreign-parts problems. He somehow always manages to come through hairy situations smelling of roses - I can’t decide whether his adventures are very brave or utterly nuts.

His latest series describe a recent spur-of-the-moment, one-day adventure through Turkey, into Iraqi Kurdistan and back to Turkey:

“How many people have ever decided to spontaneously make a road trip to Iraq from Europe for one day as a tourist after they were already in the car and driving the wrong direction toward Greece instead of the Tigris? We had no visas. No map. No plan. And no time. Sean had to be back in Copenhagen in three days for final exams. Pulling this off would be very nearly impossible. Nothing appealed to me more.”

His description of the poverty and backwardness of much of Turkey, especially Turkish Kurdistan, is striking. As is the friendliness of the ordinary people throughout his Middle-Eastern travels. Here are some bits from his drive through 1000 miles of mountainous Turkey to the Iraqi border:

“We tried to pop into a little food stall at night. Then we saw what was being cooked on a stove in bubbling cauldrons and walked right back out the door.

“ "I can't deal with that right now," I said.

“ "It looks like Orc food," Sean said.

“An old man stood by the side of the road selling bananas in troglodyte country where some people lived in caves tunneled into the ground and the cliffs. [...]

“The only places in Turkish Kurdistan that looked pleasant were those where no people lived, where there was no dug-in military, where there was no visible poverty, where there were no blown up buildings, and where you did not look across minefields toward Syria on the horizon. [...]

“We drove through a post-industrial wasteland of devastated buildings, piles of scrap metal and box cars, an unfinished international highway, and derelict drive-thru gates that presumably were closed after the Saddam regime's batshit behavior required a long-ago shutdown of the Turkish side of the border. After a quick hop over a one-way bridge we were inside Iraq. The Iraqi side was cleaner, more orderly, more prosperous, and far more soft on the eyes than the Turkish side. I wish I could have taken some pictures for contrast. I swear it felt like the sun came out and the birds started chirping as we left Eastern Turkey behind.”

At least in Kurdistan, Americans seem to be well-loved wherever they go. As are the Peshmerga (Kurdish Army):

“ "Welcome my cousins!" said the host as we walked in the door. He shook our hands and slapped us on the back. The restaurant was full. It appeared there was nowhere for us to sit. Whether we liked it or not, though, we were Americans and we got special treatment.

“The host walked over to a table where two young men sat and kicked them out to make room.

“ "No!" Sean said.

“ "That isn't necessary," I said.

“ "Please, please, sit down," the host said.

“ "Do you want to join us?" Sean said to the guys who were given the boot.

“ "Please," I said and gestured for them to sit. There was room enough for four at the table. But they wouldn't have any of it, not because they didn't want to sit with other people but because they wanted to make sure we were comfortable. That made us uncomfortable. But that's how it goes in Iraqi Kurdistan..

“We ordered two kebabs. The waiter brought eight, along with enough vegetables and hummus to feed half of Dohok. He only charged us for two. We could only eat three.

“A large table cleared out and a gaggle of Peshmerga came in. Half the men in the restaurant stood up. Everyone in the restaurant greeted them warmly. It's fascinating to watch the Peshmerga soldiers interact with local Kurdish Iraqi civilians. If anywhere in the world has a genuine People's Army, this place is it. I've never seen such genuine heartfelt love for soldiers as I've seen in Northern Iraq.”

Corruption and poverty are a problem, but not just in Iraq:

“The power went out and the man finished his sentence without hesitation as though nothing was wrong. Welcome to Iraq where this happens every day. [...]

“ "How many hours of electricity do you get here in Dohok?" I said. The grid seemed a little more solid than what I was used to in Northern Iraq.

“ "We get about twelve hours a day," Kiman said.

“ "Twelve hours!" I said. "That's pretty good. In Erbil they only get two."

“ "We buy it from Turkey," Kiman said. "We're supposed to get 24 hours, but we don't." [...]

“It's hard to write about Dohok [in Iraqi Kurdistan] because the place is so normal. Getting there is an adventure, but there is little adventure to be found after arrival. The most remarkable thing about the city is how unremarkable it is. [...]

“Getting into Iraq was easy. Getting out of Iraq and back into Turkey was not.”

Then there are the ever-present bribes:

“Once the border official - finally! - let us go, Himdad drove onto the bridge over the river that marked the border between the two countries. A long line of cars was ahead of us. We sat still on that bridge for what seemed like forty-five minutes without moving an inch. [...]

“Himdad could tell we were stressed. He pointed at the line of cars in front of us. "Problem," he said.

“ "Yes, problem," I said.

“ "One hundred dollars," he said, "no problem." ”

Taxi-driver Himdad above is one of those charming criminals that Totten seems to regularly find in his travels across the Middle-East. Having driven Totten and friend to no-man's-land between the borders, Himdad tried to rope them into his cigarette smuggling. Totten subtly found a new driver and then left him:

“He wasn't happy. Now he had fifteen cartons of illegal cigarettes. He couldn't smuggle them all by himself without getting arrested again. He would have to throw them into the river. But that was his problem and his fault. I couldn't let myself feel too bad about that, especially since he unfairly tried to trap us in his criminal enterprise.

“Sean and I started walking. Himdad yelled something at us. Sean and I ignored him and kept walking.

“ "Our passports!" Sean suddenly said.

“Oh, that's right. Our passports were on the dashboard of Himdad's car. We would have to go back.

“I turned around and braced myself. Himdad was running after us with our passports in his hand. Thank God he was a good sport about all of this. He could really have screwed us over.”

Then there are the scary Turkish army that goes round terrorising Turkish Kurdistan, such that even Iraq looks good by comparison:

“I pulled the car over. Soldiers bearing rifles completely surrounded us. I rolled down the driver's side window and reached for my passport. A uniformed officer barked something at me in Turkish. I didn't understand any of it.

“ "Hello!" I said. "Do you speak English?"

“He jerked his head backward, clearly startled, squinted his eyes, and said something else to me in Turkish.

“All the soldiers wore deadly serious facial expressions and held their rifles ramrod straight across their chests. We could have been terrorists or gun-runners for the PKK, and they were not messing around.

“I handed him my passport. "We're Americans!" I said playing up the oblivious aw-shucks tourist persona for all it was worth. "How ya doin'?" Sean gave them all a big grin.

“ "Americans?"

“ "Yeah, hey, what's up?" Sean said.

“The soldiers looked at each other, looked at me and Sean, looked at each other again, and busted out in big laughs all around.”

And some more miscellaneous ‘advice’ for travellers:

“Sean and I walked across the road and ducked into a store where a man sold yard tools. The store owner did not speak a word of English. Darkness was falling. Sean drew a picture of a blown out tire on a pad of paper. The man indicated he didn't sell tires. I grabbed the pad of paper and drew a picture of a car propped up on a jack.

“The man called a friend of his who showed up on a motorcycle with a car jack. Without saying a word or even looking at us he jacked up our car and changed the tire for us in two minutes. I handed our savior twenty dollars. [...]

“Sean and I walked up to the front steps of the Political Science building at Dohok University and lit up a couple of cigarettes. [Ed: yuck!] We had just arrived in Dohok, Iraqi Kurdistan, and we had no ride, no guide, and no translator. What better place to pick somebody up than where the young and the educated gather to study, to meet, and to hang out? [...]

There is much much more - I quote at length both to give a flavour of the writing and of just how much variety there is.

Return to Iraq Kurdistan [March 2006]:
Part 1
- Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6.

Other reports:
From his first trip to Iraqi Kurdistan [February 2006]:
first arrival and impressions, Erbil, the dream city of the Kurds, getting settled in Kurdistan, Kurdish security keeping the Arab pests out, photos of northern Iraq, Erbil, "our Jerusalem", Dohok, safest city in Iraq, Lalish and the Yezidis, a refreshingly civilised religious group, dealing with another crooked taxi driver, the city of Suleimaniya, Suleimaniya and Saddam's atrocities, Biara, Al Qaeda's last stand in Kurdistan, and Tawela, village on the Iranian border.

From Egypt [January 2006]:
arriving in Egypt, Zamalek district of Cairo, downtown Cairo, it might look Stalinist to you, Cairo and a political discussion with blogger Big Pharaoh, getting to Giza / the police, Giza / the police redux, old Cairo, on being a woman alone in Cairo and a phone interview with the Muslim Brotherhood.

photos of Istanbul [December 2005] and Istanbul nightlife - Muslim countries are not as repressed as the loons would have you believe [March 2006].

Fun with Hezbollah [late 2005]:
on the phone to Hezbollah, on meeting Hezbollah and a letter to Hezobollah. I can only find his fossil media version of the actual Hezbollah meeting and interviews.

Totten also went to Cyprus in October 2005, but those articles only appear in the fossil media, without the photos and without most of the extra details he’s able to give when he’s his own master: the Greek side and the Turkish side... Ah! found his blog versions [see later], the difference is instructive - it is little wonder that a serious reporter feels more at home in the blogsphere than the fossil media: Nicosia, the last divided capital city and pictures from Varosha, a ghost-town between the two.

From Lebanon [October-December 2005]:
first arrival, portrait posters in the Middle-East, Gemmayze, "Beirut's Greenwich Village", the rich countryside of Druze Lebanon (there’s apparently a part 2, but I can't find it), the Hariri memorial wall, "postcards" from around Lebanon, still paranoid below the surface, I am not a spy, apartment hunting in Beirut and some crooks, acclimatising to the grotesque, Mehlis report day, Beirut phone/internet/fax problems, eating pigs in Muslim countries, meeting a Syrian tourist, dealing with 'street people' in Beirut, Beirut is nice, honest!, driving in lawless backwaters, Hezbollah country and photos from the Israeli border area

From Libya [December 2004]:
a written account
[fossil media] and a photo diary [blog]. The L.A. Times paid for this particular adventure, getting an exclusive for their trouble. Even so, if I could only recommend one version, it would be the blog: it has less words, but the pictures make it in many ways more informative and interesting.

Even his guest-bloggers during his travelling absences put up interesting things (if not quite to the same standards): here’s a piece on the British police attempting to intimidate free speech supporters.

My one complaint with Totten’s blog is that he lacks anything approaching proper archives, such that finding his old articles is painful even if you know what they are, and nigh impossible if you are just looking for what else he has done. If Totten ran his site properly, I wouldn’t need to search up hill and down dale and make that collection of links above. In the end I had to scan through image-heavy full-month archive pages going back over a year; nor does it help that his site has insufficient bandwidth or server power to cope with its popularity. Even on broadband, his pages take considerable time to download. Hence only three and a half GoldenYaks.

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