news archives oil 12
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oil 12 |
getting new oil out of tired old wells
References thanx to James Copeland. the web address for the article above
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16.02.2004 | |
in progress - expect updates The Spanish Emperor has no clothes—facing up to reality The reality is, of course, that it was the ‘decisions’ and actions of the Spanish government and its agents that were the cause of the break-up and sinking of the Prestige, and of the resulting environmental catastrophe. Seven members of the EU Temporary Commission set up to make a “detailed analysis” of the “causes and consequences of the catastrophe of the Prestige” have visited Captain Scapegoat Mangouras in Barcelona.Under the ‘rules’ of the 3 million euro bail set by the Spanish authorities, Captain Scapegoat cannot leave Barcelona, being compelled to report daily to a Barcelona police station, like a political prisoner in a tin-pot dictatorship.
And from a very different source:
Now when will someone else, in mainstream media, or in politics, dare to point out that the Spanish Emperor has no clothes, that it was Spanish irresponsibility that led directly to the Prestige disaster, not single-hulled tankers, not the type of cargo, not the master, nor the classification company, nor even the insurers or the owners. The causative agent for the worst ecological marine catastrophe ever is the Spanish government and their not-in-my-backyard knee-jerk response to a maritime problem. the web address for the article above
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10.02.2004 Jan & Feb 2004 |
greek justice minister requests return of captain scapegoat mangouras [5]
However, Madrid says that it is not up to them, they cannot interfer with the freedom of their judiciary. But they have no compunction at interfering with the freedom of an innocent and heroic foreign national for over 14 months. After all, it is only a few more months until the Spanish general elections, which should enable all this mess be swept under a carpet of voting papers and manifestos. the web address for the article above
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01.02.2004 |
ashamed of their government, 30 spanish masters honour captain scapegoat mangouras [1]
And the good captain himself?
watch the spanish snake slither [1]In Brussels, Ana Loyola de Palacio, Spanish vice-president of the European Commission [EC], and responsible for Energy and Transport, continues her attempts to make everyone ignore the root cause of the Prestige debacle – the Spanish irresponsibilty in ordering a damaged ship away from all hope of safe haven. She is now threatening court action for maritime European countries who have not yet designated safe-haven locations for ships in emergency situations. This is all of them because they are scared that, by publishing the location of safe havens, they will be used in any bad weather, instead just in emergencies. de Palicio says that safe haven locations will be sent to the EC. Laudable as such measures might be,
the web address for the article above
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24.01.2004 A year after |
Captain Scapegoat Mangouras nominated to be Shipmaster of the Year Below quoted is the final part of the nomination for the “prestigious nautical award, given for exceptional service in command at sea that some call the "Nautical Oscar". ”
Spain blamed for oil spillThe nomination of Captain Mangouras [full text available here] directly blames the Spanish for this great evironmental disaster in Europe:
Prestige oil just keeps arriving, France [1]
the web address for the article above
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17.01.2004 |
pantomime scene 1: oil spill pollution persists— the Spanish government: oh no it doesn’t
reality—oh yes it does...
The reader may recall that the Prestige’s cargo was highly toxic heavy residual fuel oil. Spanish
pantomime scene 2:
The first major course change made was to prevent the tanker from entering the French Economic Exclusion Zone [see below]. The second course change, to avoid Portuguese waters, took place after Captain Scapegoat Mangouras had been taken off the ship, which was then being towed under the control of the Spanish authorities. reality—oh yes it was....
Comment from abelard.org: the web address for the article above
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31.12.2003 |
oil 12 |
the politics of irresponsibilitythe Prestige The experiments made by Repsol, the Spanish national petroleum
company, using fabric bags which were hauled into the hold of a floating
dock ship, showed problems with containers
that were damaged and with manhandling the filled bags at sea
[1], which resulted
in oil being spilt. The technicians predict that the wreck will be emptied by the end of summer 2004. The total cost, including the leak-blocking work and experiments done so far, is estimated to be 99.3 million euros.
Spanish blame-shifting and obfuscation continues There were, in fact, no problems concerning this vessel, but the fuss,
along with the concern in the European Parliament over single-hulled tankers,
does much to help the unknowledgeable and the misinformed to forget the
actual cause of the terrible Prestige oil spill.
From a Tankerworld article, dated November 20, 2002
Single-hull tankers, double-hulled tankers Following The United States’ decision after the Exxon Valdez spill to prohibit single-hulled tankers in US waters, the Spanish Transport Commissioner, Ana Palacio, and the European Union announced a similar prohibition after the Prestige debacle. But banishing single-hulled tankers, while permitting only double-hulled ones is not the panacea for oil spills at sea it might seem.
From Comparison of single-hulled and double-hulled tankers, a report commissioned by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
And Captain Scapegoat Mangouras?
the web address for the article above
is End notes
© abelard, 2003, 15 december the address for this document is https://www.abelard.org/news/oil-12.htm variable words