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  the democrats are simply not fighting the same battle as the right is fighting

the economic battle

The Democrats are well able to pass a rescue bill without The Republicans, but they’re scared it won’t be acceptable to the public.

But they’re refusing to compromise with Republican concerns about Democrat socialistic ambitions. The Democrats want to use the problems, for which they are heavily responsible, as an excuse to extend government power further.

And the Republicans are not prepared to endorse that.

The Republicans want the lowest possible impact on taxpayers. The Republicans want accountability.

The Democrats just want more power and more pork.

9:59 minutes. Suggested by the auroran sunset:
“a little ‘enthusiastic’, but otherwise a nice job.”

the presidential debate battle

Of course, McCain ‘won’ the first debate, if you’re honest and objective. But you must remember Democrats are not after that sort of person.

The Democrats merely throw sand and hope to confuse the less able.
The Democrats seek to spread a thick layer of emotion over every slice, to appeal to the uneducated and uninformed.

The Democrats are simply not fighting the same battle as the Right is fighting.

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obama and mccain - a matter of judgement - facts are stubborn things

“If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”
John McCain, May 26, 2005

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“Senator Obama talks a tough game on the financial markets but the facts tell a different story. He took more money from Fannie and Freddie than any Senator but the Democratic chairman of the committee that regulates them. He put Fannie Mae’s CEO who helped create this disaster in charge of finding his Vice President [...].”

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fanny mae and freddie mac - the best politicians money can buy?

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obama - judgment and experience


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is this a new departure for capitalism?

Governments increasingly buying free market assets in the capitalist economies.

France buys up British nuclear power. Bush buys up junk bonds. Sovereign funds buying into Western businesses.

This is a change from nationalisation, where governments stole assets or ‘rescued’ sinking companies to appease union shirkers.

This is governments becoming active participants in capitalist markets.

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fanny mae and freddie mac - the best politicians money can buy?


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socialist government trying to censor the internet, google cooperating - the auroran sunset

No, it’s not red China this time, but Brown the Clown’s Britain:

“YouTube is to ban footage showing weapons being used to intimidate people on its website in the UK.”

Soon to banned video:

6:32 minutes


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well-crafted speech from bush on the economic turmoil

Two excellent pieces of craft - anyone who finds them is to get a green star!

And one typical piece of Bush humour:

“ [...] The SEC is also requiring certain investors to disclose their short selling, and has launched rigorous enforcement actions to detect fraud and manipulation in the market. Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted [sic].”


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comparing ‘capitalism’ and socialism/communism

Socialism/communism is a dogmatic religion. As such it is inflexible.

Capitalism is a whole different animal. It is just (fairly) natural processes working themselves out.

Capitalism is not much different from the seasons of growth and dormancy in the forest and the fields. Only lying or foolish politicians tell you otherwise, as they try to trade lies for a place at the trough and for power.

Working against reality is for lunatics. Socialism is a lunatic cult.

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new sensation from demogacrat central - mccain can’t type! - the auroran sunset

Obama has put out an ad mocking McCain for not being able to use a computer or send email.

The reality is more like this:

“The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. . . . McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.”

And this from his 2000 campaign:

“This Internet-driven decentralization meant that the McCain campaign could organize down to a virtually block-by-block level for little cost. It allowed a thin organization to compete against the heavily financed and well-organized Bush machine, and it gave McCain campaign dollars an estimated 4-to-1 advantage over Bush greenbacks.

“McCain himself was convinced early on that the Internet had to play a critical role in the campaign. Time and again it allowed him to leverage his money and his organization. "In the Virginia primary," McCain told me, "we needed a lot of petitions signed to get on the ballot. We had the form available to download off the Internet and got 17,000 signatures with very little trouble."

“Ultimately, McCain realized he couldn't go the distance, but the message was clear to any political organization with hopes for the future. His Web team had played the Internet like a Stradivari. . . .

“In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate's savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. "She's a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so laborious," McCain admits.”

As one wit puts it:

"I think they spent months trying to figure out how they can position Obama as better qualified than McCain, and basically came up with the fact that Obama can type."

[More detailed story at]

Obama is claiming that running his campaign gives him executive experience. The string of foolish, unresearched and dishonest attacks emanating from the Obama campaign over the last few weeks makes it clear that he is a failure at even that simple task. That he manages to have the confidence to think himself capable of running the world’s most powerful country, let alone a small town, is beyond surreal.

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obama - judgment and experience


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This article, What's really going on in Obama’s head? has been moved to a separate page:

what’s really going on in obama’s head?

strong speeches from giuliani and palin

Warning to cult leftists - these videos and links may upset your smuggeryness.

The insiders are so pleased with these speeches that they are going around saying it’s all over now.

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Giuliani and Palin speeches are recommended.

Giuliani turns Obarmi to salami!

Speech by Rudy Giuliani, 27:30 minutes

“And nearly 130 times, he couldn't make a decision. He couldn't work out whether to vote yes, or no. It was too tough! He voted 'present'. I didn't know about this vote 'present' when I was mayor or NYC. Sarah Palin didn't have this vote 'present' when she was mayor or governor. You don't get 'present' - it doesn't work in an executive job. For president of the United States, it's not good enough to be 'present'. You have to make a decision.”

Pre-notes transcript of Rudy Giuliani’s speech.

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Palin looks like a nice down-home gal, with an inclination to hunt moose and socialists.

Acceptance speech by Sarah Palin, 40:40 mins

Transcript of Sarah Palin’s speech.

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.”

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The other speeches were more pedestrian.


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obama, madonna and sarah palin - compare and contrast

Obarma has ‘impressed’ the sort of people who are impressed by Madonna, and he has even less substantive ability. Madonna is impressive in terms of being a popular entertainer who can make money from her shows. Obama is the same, but in a lower league.

Obama is far less qualified than Sarah Palin. He has qualifications on the level, or lower, of a Madonna or Britney. He’s just a popular rapper. As a politician, he’s wet tissue.

Obama is fake through to the core. He’s learned to give empty, bombastic sermons at his race hate ‘church’, and now he’s practicing his craft on TV and at Denver.

Obama’s an empty suit selling snake oil to fools. He’s a left-wing extremist trying to cover his tracks.

He is a rapper, followed by the sort of groupies who will never hear a criticism of this week’s icon. Elvis is still the King, despite his sad and dissipated end. I cannot imagine there are enough fools in the USA to vote Obama into the White House.

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who is obama?
obama - judgment and experience


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russian propaganda: hero of russia saves tv crew, averts disaster

Thank heavens he had a tranquilizer gun handy.

“Just as Putin was arriving with a group of wildlife specialists to see a trapped Amur tiger, it escaped and ran towards a nearby camera crew, the country's main television station said. Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilizer gun.”

“ "First of all, we must thank our colleagues, Americans, European colleagues for being involved with this during a difficult time for Russia when no-one was paying any attention to this," Putin said.”

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