required, 2010 - by country

Go to link and click on > to check by country
“Transparency International’s Global Corruption
Barometer (the Barometer) is the only worldwide public
opinion survey on views and experiences of corruption.
As a poll of the general public, it provides an indicator
of how corruption is viewed at national level and how
efforts to curb corruption around the world are assessed
on the ground. It also provides a measure of people’s
experience of corruption in the past year.
“The 2010 Barometer, the seventh edition, reflects
the responses of 91,781 people in 86 countries, and
offers the greatest country coverage to date.”
the web address for the article above is
education, education - the socialist legacy
“...More strikingly, 77% of the between schools
differences in student performance in the United Kingdom
is explained by differences in socio-economic background...”
“ ...In the United Kingdom, boys outscore girls
in science by 9 score points, the third largest gap
among OECD countries after the United States (with 14
score points) and Denmark (with 12 score points).”
“ Only seven OECD countries spend more per student
than the United Kingdom. While GDP per capita reflects
the potential resources available for education in each
country, it does not directly measure the financial
resources actually invested in education. However, a
comparison of countries’ actual spending per student,
on average, from the age of 6 up to the age of 15 puts
the United Kingdom at an advantage, since only seven
countries spend more than the United Kingdom on school
education per average student. Across OECD countries,
expenditure per student explains 9% of the variation
in PISA mean reading performance between countries.
Deviations from the trend line suggest that moderate
spending per student cannot automatically be equated
with poor performance by education systems. For example,
Estonia and Poland, which spend around US$ 40 000 per
student, perform at the same level as Norway and the
United States, which spend over US$ 100 000 per student.
Similarly, New Zealand, one of the highest performing
countries in reading, spends well below the average
per student. While the United Kingdom spends almost
US$ 85 000, Germany or Hungary achieve a similar average
performance and spend around US$ 63 000 and US$ 44 000
for other relevant parts of the OECD report.
related material
the web address for the article above is
fake-lib-dem afficionado of moscow has dodgy assistant - allegedly
What a surprise - a Lib Dem has a dodgy
Until you realise he is one of the
socialist Labour entryists who have so weakened the Lib
Dems over so many years.
“Claims about Mr Hancock's 'companions' came
as it emerged he had asked dozens of parliamentary questions
about nuclear weapons and other hugely sensitive defence
topics to the point where responses by ministers were
vetted by the security services.
“Among them, he asked for the locations of berths
for submarines, a request to publish an inventory of
the country’s nuclear arsenal and when the next
design review of the Trident warhead will take place.”
[Quoted from]

“Chris Bryant, the former Labour minister for
Europe, said he and other MPs were also alarmed by Hancock's
apparent unwavering support for Vladimir Putin's authoritarian
“Hancock has entirely bought into the Russian
state viewpoint," Bryant claimed. He said MPs on
the all-party Russia group were so unhappy with Hancock's
pro-Putin views they ousted him as the group's chair
in June. Bryant, now shadow minister for Russia, replaced
him.” [Quoted from]
the web address for the article above is