9: passing strange - the auroran sunset
Here at abelard.org, we take a lot of photographs. Many of them are pretty or interesting. This is the ninth in a regular “photograph with little or no explanation or comment” feature.
This week we give you three photos of things perculiar. First is a field of shells. I have to assume that something snail-like was living in all these shells. However, it looked like that large patch of grass was growing shells, instead of leaves or flowers. The only thing moving was the ant.
[Taken in France on the 10th August 2005.]
Next up are the garish above-ground roots of a corn (as in “on-the-cob”) plant. It has the look of the some alien’s foot, or perhaps a tentacle monster.
[Taken in France on the 29th June 2006.]
Finally, we present a gloaming sky, full of pinks and blues, making the trees below also take on ‘unnatural’ hues. My camera must have been on drugs, because everybody knows the sky doesn’t go colours like this:
[Taken in France on the 26th March 2006.]
10: three Japanese castles
8: traditional Japanese dance
1: Mount Miyanoura, Japan
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