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abelard has been discussing with correspondents who should take responsibility for the support of others less capable, the State or the individual, as well as the qualities of a responsible citizen. I am for franchise by examination and a citizen's wage. The one ensures a person is capable of taking civic responsibilities, while the other provides an unbiased financial safety net for all. I do not like means testing. While there is means testing, everyone and his sister moves increasingly towards milking it for all they can. 'Parasite' is a viable life style in the corrupt systems built by the likes of Sociaist Prime Minister Tony Bliar. Socialism is a mad and dangerous blind alley. The more profitable being a parasite is, the more parasites you will achieve. Of course, people like Tony Bliar and Jeremy Corbyn want that because it means more parasite votes. Idon't want or welcome that world or that 'mind' set. It is the old has-beens like Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine that moved the Conservative Party
to the slop side of politics and let Bliar et al have 15 years to smash UK society.
are you a mental slave?
I live in a society I regard as deranged. As a pragmatist, I must adjust as best I may to other people's madness and delusions. Here are some earlier comments on the socialist religion: Distributism In recent economic thinking, Hernando De Soto has written clearly and cogently on this matter. See, for example, The Mystery of Capital, for some highly recommended reading. Currently (November 2013), there is a reasonably coherent article at Wikipedia but it cannot, of course, be relied upon to remain stable or even coherent. related document Review of The Servile State by Hilaire Belloc (T.N. Foulis, 1912): Even then, Belloc knew that confiscating business by politicians would lead to an even worse state of wage slavery. However, he did recognise that 'peasants' would prefer a slave state because then they wouldn't have to think. That is, they would happily trade freedom for security. Belloc also knew that the slave state was socially damaging, so he wanted property more widely distributed. This was termed Distributism at the time. His main concern was the ever increasing centralisation of power brought about by concentrated wealth. What I found particularly fascinating is that, after the later State confiscation of much wealth by ideologues like Clement Attlee, property is now being spread once more through privatisation. This was an objective the writer thought to be very difficult to achieve in 1912/13. Belloc thought, because of the difficulties, that the concentration of wealth among a small number of families (the state of capitalism at that time) would be more likely tackled by government control than by wider ownership. The book is rather disorganised and therefore difficult to read, but it is historically important as it draws on rerum novarum before the full horrors of state socialism were apparent. Hilaire Belloc [1870 - 1953] was a Catholic Anglo-French writer, who took British citizenship in 1902. He wrote over 200 books and was known as the man who wrote a library. Belloc was a Liberal M.P. between 1906 and 1910. He is famous for his children's poems in the manner of Victorian cautionary tales such as those of Struwwelpeter.
humans like trading and magpies like shiny baublesI see some TV programme where a couple of supposed celebritizs or 'professionals' are given a some pounds of taxpayer's money (and a vintage car to drive), and then they go out and buy rubbish from junk shops. Then they sell the junk at auction houses, almost always at a loss! This is apparently worth theTV tax. The junk shops turn a coin; There are others who collect the junk, like they collect old used bus tickets or a variety of useless lumps of iron. Then they arrange it on shelves or in their gardens. This is how wealthy this society is becoming. These actions are called 'hobbies' or 'occupations' or, ever so more incitefully, 'pass-times'. And when those with no useful economic or educational purpose run out of tokens to trade with, why, the government just gives them more, nd call the process 'benefits'. Trading is becoming an activity to waste time. This is not much different for playing ludo or scrabble to fill in the time between birth and death. See the lilies of the fields, they neither reap nor do they spin. related material
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