thesis that dreams from my father not an original work
by obama
Since reading Dreams its
‘style’ was certainly incongruent with Obama’s
clichéed and dull expressiveness. Dreams
is dull and shallow politically, but does have some written
(I have not bothered with Audacity
as Obama had become more the overt politician by the publication
of that book, and thus more inclined to cover his real
“Ayers is fixated with faces, especially eyes.
He writes of "sparkling" eyes, "shining"
eyes, "laughing" eyes, "twinkling"
eyes, eyes "like ice," and people who are
"wide-eyed" and "dark-eyed."
“As it happens, Obama is also fixated with faces,
especially eyes. He also writes of "sparkling"
eyes, "shining" eyes, "laughing"
eyes, "twinkling" eyes, and uses the phrases
"wide-eyed" and "dark-eyed." Obama
adds "smoldering eyes," "smoldering"
being a word that he and Ayers inject repeatedly. Obama
also uses the highly distinctive phrase "like ice,"
in his case to describe the glinting of the stars.
“If Ayers is fixated on eyes, about eyebrows
he is positively fetishistic. There are six references
to "eyebrows" in Fugitive Days
-- bushy ones, flaring ones, arched ones, black ones
and, stunningly, seven references in Dreams
-- heavy ones, bushy ones, wispy ones. It is the rare
memoirist who talks about eyebrows at all.
“On three occasions in Dreams, Obama
speaks of people with "round" faces. On four
occasions in Fugitive Days, Ayers does
the same. Both speak of "grim-faced" people,
people with "soft" faces, and, most unusually,
people with "tight" faces.
“Both Ayers and Obama describe acquaintances
who smile like a "Cheshire cat." Some of their
characters have a countenance -- grin, squint, or scowl
-- that is "perpetual." Others are "suppressing"
their smiles or their grins.
“To this point, I have just skimmed the 759 items
in the bill of particulars in my case against Obama's
literary genius. Not familiar with the term "bill
of particulars?" Uncertain myself, I looked that
one up too. It means a list of written statements made
by a party to a court proceeding. Ayers and Obama each
refer knowingly to a "bill of particulars."
Doesn't everyone?
“The answer, of course, is no. In Audacity
of Hope, Obama does not use this phrase or most
of the distinctive words or combinations of words in
Dreams. In Audacity, for instance,
there are virtually no descriptions of faces or eyes,
and the few that the author does use are flat and clichéd
-- like "brave face" or "sharp-eyed."
In Dreams, seven different people "frown,"
twelve "grin," and six "squint."
In Audacity, no more than one person makes
any of these gestures.”
Looks pretty convincing to me.
Dreams from my
by Barack H. Obama
Crown Publishers, 2007, hbk, 442 pages of main
/ $15.97
[] {advert}
ISBN-10: 0307383415
ISBN-13: 978-0307383419
Canongate Books, 2007, pbk
[] {advert} /
ISBN-10: 1847670911
ISBN-13: 978-1847670915
Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
by Barack Obama |
[] {advert}
Vintage, 2008, pbk
ISBN-10: 0307455874
ISBN-13: 978-0307455871
[] {advert}
Canongate Books, 2008, pbk
ISBN-10: 1847670830
ISBN-13: 978-1847670830 |
related material
who is
- judgment and experience
- what really goes on in his head
the web address for the article above is
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how to run a dictatorship in a pc world
Play on all the usual lefty moral relativism.
Meanwhile, conspire under cover to
get nuclear bombs and intercontinental rockets. Pretend
it’s for nuclear energy, pretend it’s for
satellite launches.
And be sure the leftist cowards and
appeasers will defend you in the West. They’ll even
vote in an extremist like Obama
on the pretence that he ‘cares’.
“The Iranian authorities are consistently blaming
foreigners for what has happened in Tehran, and have
accused Mr Mousavi of being in league with them, the
BBC's Jeremy Bowen in Tehran says.
“Mr Mousavi has called for an annulment of the
12 June presidential vote because of "election
“Iran's powerful Guardian Council is due to give
its final ruling on the election on Sunday, but a spokesman
on Friday already insisted there had been no election
fraud.” [Quoted from]
Meanwhile, as Iran and North Korea
arm, Obama dithers, and dithers, and dithers..... At the
same time, he apologises to, and appeases any tin-pot
dictatorship in sight.
the web address for the article above is
Neda and the despicable mullahs has been incorporated into the third page on
Iran - the continuing story.
Analysis of corruption in iranian faked elections has been incorporated into the third page on
Iran - the continuing story.
Fixing elections in a reasonably educated population is getting increasingly difficult - Iran
has been incorporated into the third page on
Iran - the continuing story.
very british coup - mandelslime [mandelson] is now the
unelected ruler of the uk
Brown the Clown has been ousted by
the unelected Mandelson, but is being allowed to stay on as
a figurehead.
Mandelslime dictates an inner puppet cabinet:
“...a number of Mr Brown's most trusted ministerial
supporters are not in the group - already nicknamed
the G8 - a clear sign that he is having to end his reliance
on a small core of long-time friends and supporters.”
This is in clear breech of democratic
The central question is why isn’t
Mandelslime now taking parliamentary questions, as
he is now the real UK ruler?
Why is the leftist media reporting
on Mandelslime’s puppet rather than questioning
Mandelson directly?

The leftist fossil media and the chattering
classes are misinterpreting the real PM.
The real cabinet, stuffed with unelected
“That department, headed by Lord Mandelson, contains
an extraordinary 11 ministers - six of whom are peers.”
The Brown Clown has already been ousted
by Mandelslime. The pseudo-cabinet in the lower house
(now well named) is window dressing, not real power.
The following is not some crafty pre-emption or deliberate misdirection.
“Lord Mandelson forecast Mr Brown will face another
attempt to force him out - probably in around the time
of Labour's annual conference, in Brighton in September
- by a "small group" of MPs who "won't
be reconciled to the Prime Minister's leadership."
This is Mandelslime threatening the
Clown and telling him to shut up or suffer the consequences.
Note also that the government
coup leader announces a change in UK policy.
“The First Lord was in Berlin today saying it
remained an objective for Britain to join the euro...”
the web address for the article above is
a decade of socialist ‘new’ labour - who owns
the child?
parents no longer trusted to educate their own children
“That is the only conclusion that can be drawn
from the indefensible decision of Ed Balls, the Schools
Secretary, to accept the recommendations of Graham
Badman's Review of Elective Home Education in England.
Mr Badman appears to have concluded that parents are
not safe to be trusted with the education of their
children and that those who decide to school their
children at home must become, in effect, subsidiaries
of the state. They will have to register annually,
be subjected to inspection visits by the local authority
and submit a statement of their intended approach
to their child's education.”

behaviour after a decade of socialist ‘new’
“Thousands of very young children are being
excluded from primary schools for physically attacking
pupils and teachers, research by The Times shows.
“It exposes the extent to which children of
infant-school age are being expelled or suspended,
even though the tactic is more commonly associated
with uncontrollable teenagers.
“The Times survey of 25 local authorities found
that almost 4,000 primary school children had been
excluded for fixed periods in 2007-08.
“This is the national equivalent to 25,128,
a 6 per cent increase on last year, if extrapolated
to cover the whole of England. Over the same period
the primary school population fell by almost 20,000,
so the real rise is 6.7 per cent.
“More than three quarters of those who gave
reasons said that one of the biggest causes of exclusion
was the child physically assaulting another pupil.
Another main reason was attacking a teacher.”
A standard socialist
reaction is “Nothing that a little corporal punishment
would not fix”.
If our daft theories don’t
work, then beat ‘them’ until the daft theories
do work.
If the daft theories still don’t work, beat them
If that still doesn’t work, then the gulag.
If that doesn’t work, kill them.
And people wonder how socialism
invariably does ever more damage the longer it is in
the web address for the article above is
new dawn of freedom for the proletariat declared in the
Mandelson appoints himself First Secretary
of the People’s United Democratic Socialist Soviet
Republics of Great Britain and North Ireland and selects
his first Politiburo:
Glennis Kinnock
Alan Sugar
Andrew Adonis
George Malloch Brown
Janet Royall
Paul Drayson
Patricia Scotland.
Nick Griffin and Nick Clegg show solidarity with the
struggle of their Socialist Brothers by joining the New
Labour Party. Hours later, Mandelson generously appoints
them to minor positions in the Politburo as Governors
of the Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight.
Mandelson declared himself winner of last week’s
general elections with 99.997% of the vote.
He has announced a parade in honour of the 1997 Blair
Revolution in Red Square (formerly Parliament Square)
at the centre of Mandelsongrad (formerly London). The
parade will display the great military might of the PUDSSRGBNI
- at least ten million new tanks and five million Trident
All members and activists of all non-approved political
parties are to be interned in their local gulag for re-education,
as well as the 2,000 who did not vote for Mandelson in
the general election. David Cameron, the notorious class
traitor, is believed to be still on the run.
Long live the Thousand Year Revolution.
[First printed in the British Guardian, now Britain’s
sole daily newspaper]
the web address for the article above is
as usual, the socialists try to poison debate - immigration
and ‘racism’
By poisoning debate, ‘New’
Labour are trying, often successfully, to stop debate
on immigration by squealing ‘racist’ at any
‘Racism’ and immigration
are two entirely different concerns.
‘Racism’ is a natural human
response to the ‘outsider’. It is primitive, and
is, of course, bound to be common among those uneducated
and used to living in a closed community. Naturally, fools
like the socialist BNP try to exploit that atavism, but
in even a reasonably well-educated society they will never
find more than about fifteen percent dull enough to be
taken in by such foolishness.
Immigration is a far more important
concern. Britain is one of the most densely populated
places on Earth, most particularly in the south-east.
Thus immigration is of serious concern to any thinking
UK citizen.
“Last year the skyrocketing cost of food was
a wake-up call for the planet. Between 2005 and the
summer of 2008, the price of wheat and corn tripled,
and the price of rice climbed five-fold, spurring food
riots in nearly two dozen countries and pushing 75 million
more people into poverty. But unlike previous shocks
driven by short-term food shortages, this price spike
came in a year when the world's farmers reaped a record
grain crop. This time, the high prices were a symptom
of a larger problem tugging at the strands of our worldwide
food web, one that's not going away anytime soon. Simply
put: for most of a decade, the world has been consuming
more food that it has been producing. after years of
drawing down stockpiles, in 2007 the world saw global
carryover stocks fall to 61 days of global consumption,
the second lowest on record.”
“ "Agricultural productivity growth is only
one to two percent a year," warned Joachim von
Braun, director general of the International Food Policy
Research Institute in Washington, D.C., at the height
of the crisis. "This is too low to meet population
growth and increased demand." ” [Quoted from
Geographic, June 2009, p.38]
the web address for the article above is
iran: death to the government, death to dictators!
Useful and interesting report.
“The biggest roar of the afternoon was reserved
for the main speaker, Zahra Rahnavard, Mr Mousavi’s
wife. "You’re here because you don’t
want any more dictatorship," she declared. "You’re
here because you hate fanaticism, because you dream
of a free Iran, because you dream of a peaceful relationship
with the rest of the world." The candidate himself
was nowhere to be seen, but that hardly mattered because
the crowd was inspired by a hatred of Mr Ahmadinejad
rather than a love for Mr Mousavi.”
“Women have suffered particularly badly under
Mr Ahmadinejad, and twentysomethings sporting sunglasses,
make-up and dyed hair beneath their mandatory headscarves
shouted themselves hoarse as speaker after speaker promised
an end to repression, despair and the "empire of
“ "I feel danger every second I’m
on the street because of the morality police,"
an arts student called Nina said. As she was speaking
another young woman way back in the mêlée
scribbled a note and passed it forward. "We need
freedom. We want big change. We don’t want liar
government," it declared.”
Read on...
“....He steered his country’s economy through
the Iran-Iraq War but was a zealous revolutionary who
brooked little dissent and has been accused of being
behind the massacre of political prisoners.”
the web address for the article above is
his “presbyterian conscience” - another
cultist gets religion, when he’s caught
Gordon Brown the Clown has always been
interested in a change in the voting system.
Wow, you don’t say. I believe
in lifeboats, said the drowning man.
I want a Bill of Rights, after I’ve
been attacking rights for years.
“is Brown taking us for fools?” asks the
people’s Clarion.
Shurely not, perish the thought.
I’m going to clean up politics,
says the Clown who has been at the centre of corruption
incorporated. And he’s going to appoint the mafia
to fight crime, says our roving reporter.
I won’t step down, even if you vote
against me, says Britain’s unelected Clown.
“Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Sunday he
won't step down regardless of the results of next week's
European and local elections.” [Quoted from]
Yet another shock announcement
unexpected by all Martians.
“Since March we have been consulting on a Green
Paper on a Bill of both rights and responsibilities
- about how to entrench the rights and freedoms of the
British people in relation to the state. In the months
ahead we will move in all these areas.” [Quoted
The BBC is negotiating a multi-million
pound contract for a new comedy programme. It is rumoured
that the Clown is in ‘negotiations’ for a
starring role.
the web address for the article above is
the gorgon brown of iran in trouble? client politics,
potatoes for votes
“There were reports yesterday that leading fundamentalist
figures had pleaded with Ahmadinejad to withdraw from
the race in the face of evidence that he could face
a crushing defeat in the June 12 election, seriously
damaging Iran's religious conservative movement.”
“The president, who has already tried to win support
by distributing potatoes and cash to students, is said
to have been advised to resort to unconventional measures.
Without naming him, the centrist website Entekhab said
he had been urged to hire an expensive make-up artist
to improve his attractiveness on TV.”
the web address for the article above is