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socialist interference with families in the uk - also in the usa
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the economic collapse - what gordon brown ignored
Brown the Clown is a dumb, arrogant cultist. He probably believes his own cant about “the end to boom and bust”. UK money supply is presently being expanded at over 12%. With the drop in GDPof most of 5%, this amounts to a real inflation rate of 17%. This and more backed up inflation is bound to feed through in due course. It is the Bank of England that is dealing with the UK crash, not Brown the Clown. He is no longer in charge of Parliament in any sense. He is now following orders of the BOE, and the unelected Mandelslime/Mandelson is PM in everything but name. The BOE is rescuing the mess, which is a matter of a banking clag-up, not a matter of “a depression worse than the ’30s”, or any other such nonsense. The BOE’s response is to debauch the currency. The basic problems remain, and will remain until State spending is reined in. The debauching of the currency is a tax on everyone, and it falls most heavily on the poor and pensioners. In other words, those who do not really understand the real world. As the banks recover, the structural statist power grab by Tony Bliar and Brown the Clown will remain. As always with socialism, the economy will founder the more the longer the power grab continues, let alone extends. And with it comes the steady erosion of freedom and the rule of law. Eventually there is no freedom. related material
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ian duncan smith - one of the few thinking seriously about the underclass and looking to evidence
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libya - another stunning socialist beacon of freedom and enlightenment To give Libya its full title: Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya So GSPLAJ is yet another socialist beacon of success and freedom unto nations. It is ruled by
as with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Just in case you were in any doubt whether this is another triumph of socialism, Jamahiriya translates as “republic ruled by the masses”. Libyan taxes on Western-developed oil fields make this socialist example of enlightenment and progress the second richest country in Africa. related material
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the ludicrous tony bliar speaks out boldly against mammon
Bliar would never have seen Number 10 without the foolishness of socialist Johnny Major. The Tory party suicide pact is what let Bliar in and kept him there for 10 years. In my view, Bliar was a muddler, good at dressing up in a skirt and pouting, good at managing the team of dolts, but very mediocre, not a thinker in any real sense. I do not think he has any ability as a leader. He was just a face, like a news anchor. Meanwhile, the rest of the sorry crew steadily frittered away the patrimony, the prime culprit being Brown the Clown. As for a suggestion that Bliar jumped ship, my guess it was a combination of blind luck and him becoming bored with performing. Now he is independently wealthy, which I think was a major ambition for him. Now he can do the playboy act and come back for return tours when that bores him. In other words, I cannot really find it in me to blame Bliar. He is just a shallow face, famous for being famous. I see no sign of anything he has ever achieved independently. I see no sign of any creativity. In a better world, he would have had the nous and guts to sack Brown the Clown long long ago, but you cannot blame a man for simply lacking serious ability. In a better world, he would never have gotten beyond being a failed pop star.. With a different sex, he would have been a clothes model. Bliar was a child playing with toys, toys handed to him by the terrible failures of the Tory party and the inevitable foolishness of universal franchise. related material
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