claimed new fuel-cell battery combination - which i don’t fully
[Original article in the Royal Society of Chemistry Journal.]
Claims to be taken with caution.
This item is being reported in various places
with a degree of confusion. The technology is alleged to produce a useful
energy at a density higher than petrol (gas) or diesel, and at an order
of magnitude (ten times) higher than lithium battery technology.
The claim seems to be that this fuel-cell battery combination
can be charged like an ‘ordinary’ battery and, when the charge
is run down, the combination becomes a fuel cell. The fuel cell/battery
cannibalises energy in some manner from its vanadium-boride anode, as
it then acts as a fuel-cell. The anode can then be replaced., for instance
at a garage in the manner of a petrol fill-up, and the anode can then
be returned to functionality.
There are also suggestions that other combinations,
including lithium and aluminium-[aluminum]-based systems, can be developed
in this direction.
I get the impression that the reports I have seen so
far are written by authors who do not fully understand the claims, and
I certainly do not have a good outline grasp of the system!
So, I am linking this report for others to look
at, without much confidence that I understand it!

“Energy capacity comparison of gasoline (petrol), hydrogen
and electrochemical energy sources. The intrinsic energy of gasoline
yields a maximum practical efficiency of 30% due to Carnot and
friction losses. Air fuel cells do not have this Carnot inefficiency,
and have practical capacities instead constrained by overpotential
losses, and the requisite volume of the air anode and all other
cell components. Volumetric capacity of liquid H2 is constrained
by its density of 0.0708 kg L-1. Shaded superimposed on solid,
colors, compare intrinsic and practical capacities.”
related material
cells and battery-powered vehicles
of producing hydrogen locally at normal temperatures - also, algae to
the web address for the article above is
advertising disclaimer
advertising disclaimer
advertising disclaimer
alleged solar thermal concentrator
Another attempt/claim at solar thermal concentration..
their prototype, they concentrated sunlight up to 5,000 times the intensity
that normally would fall on a surface on earth. This immense solar concentration
can create heat at the focal point that approach the surface temperature
of the sun at 6,000 °C (11,000 °F). Metal placed at the focus
is instantly melted. In commercial scale systems, SHEC expects that
the concentrations could be as high as 11,000 to 16,000 times the intensity
of the sun.
“In practice, the objective is to not let the receiver get that
hot. This is accomplished by continuously pulling off the heat into
whatever the system is designed to do.”
“This array will result in a 11,000-fold concentration of the
sun's energy.”
“While the capitalization costs of a SHEC array will be greater
than for a fossil-fuel-based plant of comparable output, the operational
costs are much lower, not requiring fuel, for example. So the payback
time is in the region of five to fifteen years. Compare that to the
50 year amortization schedule common for a hydroelectric plant, for
related material
the web address for the article above is
attempt at another form of concentrator for pv cells
MIT press release:
“As a result, rather than covering a roof with expensive solar
cells (the semiconductor devices that transform sunlight into electricity),
the cells only need to be around the edges of a flat glass panel. In
addition, the focused light increases the electrical power obtained
from each solar cell "by a factor of over 40," Baldo says."
“ The MIT solar concentrator involves a mixture of two or more
dyes that is essentially painted onto a pane of glass or plastic. The
dyes work together to absorb light across a range of wavelengths, which
is then re-emitted at a different wavelength and transported across
the pane to waiting solar cells at the edges.
“In the 1970s, similar solar concentrators were developed by
impregnating dyes in plastic. But the idea was abandoned because, among
other things, not enough of the collected light could reach the edges
of the concentrator. Much of it was lost en route.
“The MIT engineers, experts in optical techniques developed for
lasers and organic light-emitting diodes, realized that perhaps those
same advances could be applied to solar concentrators. The result? A
mixture of dyes in specific ratios, applied only to the surface of the
glass, that allows some level of control over light absorption and emission.
"We made it so the light can travel a much longer distance,"
Mapel says. "We were able to substantially reduce light transport
losses, resulting in a tenfold increase in the amount of power converted
by the solar cells." ”

Image: NSF
“An artist's representation shows how a cost effective solar
concentrator could help make existing solar panels more efficient. The
dye-based organic solar concentrator functions without the use of tracking
or cooling systems, greatly reducing the overall cost compared to other
concentrator technologies. Dye molecules coated on glass absorb sunlight,
and re-emit it at a different wavelengths. The light is trapped and
transported within the glass until it is captured by solar cells at
the edge. Some light passes through the concentrator and can be absorbed
by lower voltage solar cells underneath. Alternatively, the partially
transmissive concentrator can function as a window.”
related material
(solar cells)
the web address for the article above is
on bird relationships
“A new study – the largest analysis of birds to
date using modern genetic methods – has turned up numerous surprising
relationships that will force biologists to reevaluate much of what they
thought they knew about avian evolution.”
“To resolve this problem, Reddy and her colleagues sequenced 19
regions of the genome of 169 species of birds – a total of 32,000
DNA "letters" per species – then used the sequences to
construct the most robust avian evolutionary tree ever made.
“This new tree contains several notable surprises. For example,
falcons are more closely related to songbirds than to other hawks and
eagles. The closest kin of the diving birds called grebes turn out to
be flamingos. [...]”
related material
human classification
systems, using the example of classification of ‘living organisms’
the web address for the article above is
global warming > less ice > less krill > less whales
WWF predictions based on an assumption that average temperatures will rise
by 2.0 degrees Celsius by 2042.
“As well as retreating, the vital front between cold sea ice
and warmer sea water which causes an upwelling of nutrients supporting
the krill on which the whales feed will also contract, reducing the
amount of food available.
“ "Essentially, what we are seeing is that ice-associated
whales such as the Antarctic minke whale will face dramatic changes
to their habitat over little more than the lifespan of an individual
whale," [...]”
“Especially at risk from the retreating Antarctic sea ice are
Blue Whale, the world's largest living creature, and the Humpback
related material
melting ice, sea levels, water and weather implications
arctic melting
ice, sea levels
global warming
the web address for the article above is
globally, is there is enough land?
Useful scan.
“Strictly speaking, there is no global shortage of land. Cereal
production peaked at around 740m hectares in 1981 and slid steadily
for over two decades before recovering a little in the latest revival
to 680m, according to the FAO.”
Link from Mel Rowing.
the web address for the article above is
high claims for innovative automotive transmission system
“In confirmed third-party tests, the U.K. Energy Saving Trust,
a grant supplier for the project, says Artemis’ prototype BMW
530i hydraulic series hybrid, outfitted with HEDDAT (High Efficiency
Digital Displacement Automotive Transmission) technology performed with
double the MPG in city tests (a start and stop environment) of the same
car with a manual transmission.
“Additionally, Artemis and the Energy Saving Trust say the performance
of the BMW prototype, including highway driving, revealed 30 per cent
lower CO2 emissions before the company fitted the hydraulic transmission.”
“Whenever there’s a lot of starting and stopping, that’s
where we’ll beat electric hybrids," said Caldwell. "We
can store energy at a faster rate.”
page on the Digital Displacement technology.
page on Digital Displacement Hybrid Transmissions.
emissions reduction test results |
driving conditions |
six speed manual |
Artimis digital displacement hybrid |
percentage by which less CO2
produced |
European urban |
20.4 mpg |
41.1 mpg |
50% |
European combined
(urban+motorway) |
29.7 mpg |
39.6 mpg |
30% |
US combined
(urban+motorway) |
27.9 mpg |
42.1 mpg |
34% |
related material
Fuel cells
and battery-powered vehicles
the web address for the article above is
cell avalanche effect could improve output - from xavier

Visualisation of avalanche effect. Credit: TU Delft
Rough text translations:
foto-excitatie - incoming photons
thermische relaxatie - conventional solar cell
ladingsvermenigvuldiging -semiconducting nanocrystal
“[...] there are currently significant limitations, such as the
relatively low output of most solar cells (typically fifteen percent)
and high manufacturing costs.”
“In conventional solar cells, one photon (light particle) can
release precisely one electron.”
“In some semiconducting nanocrystals, however, one photon can
release two or three electrons, hence the term avalanche effect.”
“Within the Joint Solar Programme TU Delft’s Prof. Laurens
Siebbeles has now demonstrated that the avalanche effect does indeed
occur in lead selenide (PbSe) nanocrystals.”
of original paper (paid subscription necessary
to see full document).
related material
(solar cells)
the web address for the article above is
on the genetics of the platypus

Image: epa.qld.gov.au
“Is the platypus part bird, part reptile part mammal, an amalgam
of very different groups of animals? Is it a primitive mammal that resembles
the early ancestors of all mammals? Can we figure out just what this
creature is by gazing at its genome?”
“The platypus is not part anything: it's 100% mammal, with some
primitive traits of ancient mammals, like egg laying, and a few newly
invented traits like the bill, the webbed feet, and the venomous spines.
“The big story hidden in the platypus genome is that evolutionary
biologists were right about what the platypus is: by looking at its
genome, we can see which platypus traits are ancestral, and which are
new inventions (derived is the proper term), only now in much more detail
because we can see how the genes involved changed.”
the web address for the article above is
killing penguins - but why? ddt is now mostly banned
“The use of DDT peaked several decades ago at more than 36,000
metric tons per year (t/yr). Today, less than 1000 t of the organochlorine
pesticide—banned in most countries since the 1980s—is applied
annually for mosquito control and farming, mainly in the Southern Hemisphere.
Despite this drop, Adélie penguins in the Antarctic continue
to have the same levels of total DDT in their bodies as they did 30
years ago. New research [...] identifies Antarctic meltwater as the
continued source of total DDT, and possibly other pollutants, in the
southern continent's ecosystems.”
“In 1958, Olga Owens Hucking, the owner of a private bird sanctuary
in Duxbury, Massachusetts sent a letter to Carson. Ms. Hucking was alarmed
at the dead and dying birds at her sanctuary. That letter may have been
the deciding factor prompting Carson's next book. It was clear to Carson
that the issue of pesticides had to be addressed in a book with a tone
different than her earlier writings. Her book, Silent Spring, was published
in 1962. In it, Carson addressed the dangers posed by DDT and the dangers
of a society blinded by technological progress.
“The evidence was undisputedly conclusive that DDT interfered
with calcium metabolism in birds at the top of the food chain. With
no mechanism to excrete or breakdown DDT, birds at the top of the food
chain accumulated DDT as they ate smaller birds, which, in turn, ate
insects exposed to DDT. The interference with calcium metabolism caused
thinning eggshells that broke easily.” [Quoted from dep.state.pa.us]
The negative response to using DDT, and its widespread
ban, led to the re-emergence of malaria. DDT had kept malaria mosquito
populations under control. It is now understood that selective spraying
of houses with DDT can control mosquito infestation without damaging bird
and plantlife.
related material
Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson
first published in 1962
Penguin Classics, 2000
ISBN-10: 0141184949
ISBN-13: 978-0141184944
[amazon.co.uk] {advert}
Mariner Books, 2002
ISBN-10: 0618249060
ISBN-13: 978-0618249060
[amazon.com] {advert} |

the web address for the article above is
potential of tethered windmills
The Magenn company have got the tethered rotor windmill
to work in a hanger.

list of claims
- Magenn Air Rotor System is less expensive per unit of actual electrical
energy output than competing wind power systems.
- Magenn Power Air Rotor System will deliver time-averaged output much
closer to its rated capacity than the capacity factor typical with conventional
designs. Magenn efficiency will be 40 to 50 percent. This is hugely
important, since doubling capacity factor cuts the cost of each delivered
watt by half.
- Wind farms can be placed closer to demand centers, reducing transmission
line costs and transmission line loses.
- Conventional wind generators are only operable in wind speeds between
3 meters/sec and 28 meters/sec. Magenn Air Rotors are operable between
1 meter/sec and in excess of 28 meters/sec.
- Magenn Air Rotors can be raised to higher altitudes, thus capitalizing
on higher winds aloft. Altitudes from 400-ft to 1,000-ft above ground
level are possible, without having to build an expensive tower, or use
a crane to perform maintenance.
- Magenn Air Rotors are mobile and can be easily moved to different
locations to correspond to changing wind patterns. Mobility is also
useful in emergency deployment and disaster relief situations.
related material
Wind power
the web address for the article above is