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headlines for
april 2007

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

news topic classification is flexible - the world is seamless
orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
articles listed in heavy text / short items listed in light text
only when it’s pretty 30: paris accomodation - t.a.s
previous news headlines label 2019 I  
2016 I-V VI-XII
for previous years




france update: france zone front page: data mode enhanced with separate department and region panels - t.a.s
france new: statistics tables for french departments and regions - t.a.s
france france zone front page now includes basic data for all departments and regions - t.a.s
france presidential election time in france - xavier
also, muslims advised to vote le pen
france new: revamped france zone front page: gorgeous, interactive and fun!
[from t.a.s ]
france new:
france new: les landes today - xavier see 14 April entry above
behaviour and intelligence none of all the effeminacy stuff in the good old days
behaviour and intelligence current up-bringing in the west
behaviour and intelligence on compulsory ‘education’ (context killer cho)
behaviour and intelligence passivity and ‘courage’ - “football has been banned...because the ball is pointed”
ecology benedict preaches the environment - and new theory on the petm
ecology germany, energy architecture, and what god could do if only he had money
ecology on ipcc emission scenarios
ecology second part of ipcc 4 report now published
ecology pollution in new zealand - local yak report - invincy
ecology ignore the end of oil - the socialist uk ‘government’ does
ecology the deadly toll from the filth of fossil fuels - and yet idiots fear nuclear power!
ecology outline un analysis of energy efficiency in buildings

three useful and interesting books related to anthropogenic global warming

politics update: observations on supposedly peaceful iran - daily mail distortion
politics observations on supposedly peaceful iran
politics on the popularity of putin
politics on freedom and franchise - killing at virginia tech
politics the wolfowitz smear, yet more lefty & fossil media dishonesty - t.a.s
politics definitive test for old.new.old’s lie detectors for welfare applicants
politics dems in increasing problems as two losers fight it out
politics on selling stories
politics pork-barrel pelosi finds something new to lie about - t.a.s
politics new: quotations 5 - Winston Churchill
politics pointed cartoon describing the treasonous democrat behaviour - t.a.s
science and technology on empty hives
science and technology tech toy, sophisticated engineering
science and technology deconstructing psychic ‘science’ - t.a.s
science and technolgy new product: twitchers’ delight - handheld birds
news-lite flexible solar panels - a claimed advance
business and markets censorship by british airways - who runs that circus!
alternative energies on the inefficiency of internal combustion engines (ices) in road transport
alternative energies what the ipcc did not say - bush, as the crazy corporate socialist
alternative energies three-stage pv cells with concentrators achieves over 40% efficiency
alternative energies parris puts in a heat pump
alternative energies what is required for the end of the nuisance caused by the middle east dictatorships
economics positive thinking! - “it’s never going to snow again, and the waves are going to get bigger and bigger”
fun “i appeal to mister blair”, famous humanitarian speaks out
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for march 2007 page

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v.3.1 (01.01.2006)

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