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august 2008 headlines


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Click for motorways and motorway aires in France.

Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.

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orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
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ecology on genetic modification

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ecology linfen, ‘the most toxic place on earth’ - six videos
ecology for the moonbat agw denialists - learn to argue a reasonable case
ecology eat more kangaroos and save the planet
ecology radiation from coal
ecology climate models, warming and rainfall
ecology another terrifying nuclear incident - build more killer coal plants says the filthy fossil fuel industry
ecology spanish socialist government wants to reduce speed limit to 50mph
alternative energies rickety usa electric grid becoming a bottleneck to alternative power as alternative energy grows
alternative energies electric cars versus liquid fuel cars
alternative energies filthy coal is a cheaper power source, and far nastier
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
russia acting sanely? medvedev wants more european monitors in georgia
politics usa palin - a very much stronger résumé than obarma
politics usa “i accept your nomination for president of the united states”-obama
politics uk still more ‘new’ labour greed and voodoo ‘economics’
politics usa update after the plagiarised speech of michelle obama
politics romania on looking at romanian recovery and its transport system - a modest proposal by the auroran sunset
politics usa
politics china china: food deficit growing rapidly, trade advantage in steel eroding
politics uk uk silly season: brown the clown is not mia - he is a travelling tourist desperately seeking photo ops
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
georgia - some context
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
politics uk longest down run on the £ since 1971 - the great socialist inflation starts to feed through
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
georgia update 2 - the 2006 referendum in ossetia by dr. quite
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
georgia update 1 - as robert hunter said, this is becoming a considerable blunder by russia
On Georgia, 2008
politics georgia
growing problems in georgia
politics usa no comment
politics action trumps pretty words - from the auroran sunset
politics usa obarma drowning in leftist fossil media slurry
behaviour and intelligence humanae vitae (the pope on contraception, 1968) meets reality!
behaviour and intelligence following orders - traffic signaling
behaviour and intelligence motherhood and madness under socialism
behaviour and intelligence is the cell ’phone industry lying like the fag and tv violence industries?
behaviour and intelligence problems and crudity with groupist responses - why socialists are locked in a politically correct box
behaviour and politics
On Georgia, 2008
comment by limbic on serbia/georgia
behaviour and politics
On Georgia, 2008
commentary by abelard on can-rattling for beginners - georgia part 2
behaviour and politics
On Georgia, 2008
can-rattling for beginners - georgia part 2
science and technology pilotless sun-powered spy 'plane close to continuous flight
fun mad scientists - essential work going on at cern
fun was himmler a member of cnd? a site to warm the madness of any socialist, national or otherwise!
fun clocks to admire and to borrow - the clockarium
Click to go to pages about Art Deco at abelard.org art deco: architecture and interior design
business and markets general motors racing for the motor vehicle high ground
business and markets chinese plug- in looking to sell in europe, “300km in one charge” - a race for plug-in hybrids underway
business and markets gm shoots to recover the dominant high ground
news-lite claims that solar pv makes another step forward
news-lite claim of producing hydrogen locally at normal temperatures - also, algae to petrol/gasoline
politics usa
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for July 2008 page

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© abelard, 2008, 02 september

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