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january 2007

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news topic classification is flexible - the world is seamless
orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
articles listed in heavy text / short items listed in light text
politics still more old.new.old socialist freakin’ control meddling
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politics on being the president of the united states of america
politics the difference between gun control and crime control - t.a.s.
politics quagmire! we’re losing! run away! - t.a.s.
politics some commentary on the 2007 state of the union speech
politics is ahminastraightjacketorshouldbe on the wane?
politics bliar/clown - first steal from uk pension funds, then move to dump responsibility
politics d’ancona on congdon - a seriously excellent piece of political analysis
politics UK government’s new wheeze - force middle classes into bad schools by lottery
politics on bush’s speech for sorting iraq
politics putin again plays the unreliable supplier
politics summary of recent iran ‘embarrassments’ - t.a.s.
politics the pimple of iran is ripening
politics stop playing footsie in iraq
politics posturing prescott - ritual state murder should be dignified and secret
politics if you want education, education, education - don’t go to tony bliar’s schools
useless facts updated: wet silk - t.a.s.
useless facts
useless facts
fun successful politician, or just someone with a grasp of game theory?
fun the next president protecting us from mind-control weapons - t.a.s.
fun green hypocrisy in the usa - t.a.s.
fun playing tricks on your eyes
only when it’s pretty 25: wilting flowers - t.a.s.
only when it’s pretty 24: daylight tokyo - t.a.s.
ecology a fairly obvious and over-egged critique of problems with stern
ecology various technological fixes have been suggested to mitigate anthropogenic global warming (agw)
ecology global warming is now a planetary concern
ecology global warming in russia - from your caring fossil fuel industry
ecology on-rush of science - making food
ecology giant ice shelf broke free in the arctic
economics google: evil doesn’t pay - t.a.s.
economics an interesting mudslide of statistics
behaviour and intelligence ‘legal’ interference in adult dating - t.a.s.
behaviour and intelligence “i hate america; let me in!” - t.a.s.
behaviour and intelligence the ‘greed’ factor or why people get rich, according to the left-wing
behaviour and intelligence i didn’t know poppadom was a racist word - the terrifying empty world of old.new.old ‘education’
behaviour and intelligence crime in japan - t.a.s.
behaviour and intelligence the perception of security - t.a.s.
behaviour and intelligence interesting comment on the dubious suggestion of keeping uk people in school another 2 years
behaviour and intelligence why britain is in such a mess
behaviour and intelligence selling girls for food, afghan - unusual drought, rising food prices
behaviour and intelligence streaming in uk schools - is it helpful?
science and technology miniaturization breakthrough claimed
science and technology a cure for cancer? - t.a.s.
science and technology cure for mad cow disease - t.a.s.
news-lite bacteriology and nanotechnology as the material sciences go into overdrive
news-lite advice from an endurance runner - t.a.s.
news-lite cosmic rays interfere with electronics as miniaturisation progresses
news-lite pretty photos from wild places - t.a.s.
briefings new: bio fuels
briefings left-handness: introductory notes from abelard - beta issue
briefings left-handedness, by cyril burt - beta issue
briefings major update: land conservation and food production
briefings new: books on energy replacements - reviews
briefings major update: dyslexia
civil liberties old.new.old continue dishonestly to try to abolish jury trials - the real objective is to usurp still more power
alternative energies there is something deeply fishy about this
alternative energies yet another fossil fuel industry disaster 11 - 10,000 dead in one city in one year
alternative energies depleted uranium - a short factual primer
japan new: the portal for items about japan opens
japan Yasukuni Shrine and the state of Far East relations - t.a.s.
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for december 2006 page

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© abelard, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 (2 may)
v.3.1 (01.01.2006)

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