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headlines for
november 2007

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sums will set you free zone

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news topic classification is flexible - the world is seamless
orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
articles listed in heavy text / short items listed in light text
antarctica briefing document substantial page updating including ‘new resource of antarctica imaging’
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2016 I-V VI-XII
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short briefings documents new: understanding a species under stress
ecology google plans rational organised attack on replacing filthy fossil fuel
ecology $500,000 to go energy independent and carbon-free hydrogen electrolysis
ecology exploding populations, changing temperatures lead to more migrations and thence to wars
ecology the return of the gee gee
ecology pollution and population pressures in china Two GoldenYak (tm) award.
ecology ecological irresponsibility - waste and environment under ‘new’ labour
ecology just another day for the filthy fossil fuel industry - european dependence on russian fossil fuel grows
ecology the curse of fossil fuel filth is ever with us
ecology filthy fossil fuel company moves a medieval church - t.a.s.
behaviour and intelligence precipitate drop in uk reading scores despite constant lies and money wasting by ‘new’ labour
behaviour and intelligence the mind of the internet business tiger - xavier
behaviour and intelligence improving statistical analysis - pre-conceptions distorting social policy and ‘scientific results’
behaviour and intelligence gibran on children
behaviour and intelligence new briefing document: on humans killing humans
behaviour and intelligence judge terms rape of prostitute ‘theft of services’
behaviour and intelligence socialist madsam’s dam threatens to kill 500,000 in iraq
politics what hell sewer are ‘new’ labour wallowing in this time?
politics the continuing disaster in iraq - for the enemy at least - t.a.s.
politics a concise history of recent british politics, focusing on conservative leadership
politics why the uk government is floundering in its bad news week
politics brown the clown’s communist state closes in
politics ‘new’ labour’s claims on education - clown socialist politics - steal your money, and waste it Two GoldenYak (tm) award.
politics report on the geo-political implications of agw from the center for american progress
politics usa/china - growing military cooperation
fun architectural proposals for paris - xavier
fun making snowflakes
fun breaking news: brown the clown sets up a plastic bag hot-line
fun midway island and gooney birds
fun on the ‘great drug war’ - ron paul - hilarity
fun agw may have been categorically disproved
alternative energies solar pv moving towards undercutting coal
alternative energies keeping up: biochemistry and energy
alternative energies ultracapacitors - xavier
alternative energies making gas guzzlers fuel-efficient, starting in the usa Three and a half GoldenYak (tm) award.
alternative energies cunning new solar panel design - replaces roof tiles
alternative energies solar energy from space
civil liberties pedalphilia increasing in the clown’s ludicrous communist state
civil liberties on the right, or otherwise, to self-defence in the uk and the usa
book and other reviews two books seemingly on optimism, persistence and happiness
economics uk’s brown the clown - managing director of the northern crock
economics economic lunacy - government, information-tech projects and cost-plus - how they waste your money
economics first and second round effects of external prices rises on inflation
economics supply-side economics - laffer curves and 'trickle down' Five GoldenYak (tm) award.
news-lite updated: improved long-life lamps claim
news-lite improved photosynthesis possible - claim in press release
news-lite improved long-life lamps claim
science and technology robots become more human
science and technology ‘brainbow’ brain nerve staining
science and technology that mighty mouse....[from press release]
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for november 2007 page

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v.3.1 (01.01.2006)

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