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cathedrals 4:
photographs, Angers


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The cathedral of St Maurice:
The building’s west facade
The rose window
Detail from the rose window

The tapestry of the Apocalypse in the château at Angers:
Angers château and moat
Main interior coutyard of the château
Tapestry of the Apocalypse room, general view
Section of the Tapestry of the Apocalypse
A scene in the tapestry

The building’s front facade

West facade of St Maurice's cathedral, Angers. Its transepts can be seen sticking out each side, further back.

The rose window

Rose window in the South transept (Angers cathedral)

Detail from the rose window

Angers château and moat

Angers château and moat; the entrance across the stone bridge, leading to the drawbridge, in the distance.

Main interior courtyard of Angers château

Main courtyard of Angers château. The entrance to the Tapestry of the Apocalypse is to the right and behind the viewer, gift shop ahead and to the left. The cathedral spires show beyond the wall.

Tapestry of the Apocalypse room, general view

This is the second part of the Tapestry of the Apocalypse room, the room being L-shaped. The first leg of the room is at least as large as this part. The curved bulge is the lower part of one of the château towers. The lighting is low for better presevation of the tapestry.

Section of the Tapestry of the Apocalypse

A scene from the Tapestry of the Apocalypse

the dragon fights the servants of god - tapestry
The Dragon fights the servants of god
[Number 37 in the Angers gallery, approximately the 39th panel in the original work -
at least two earlier scenes are missing.]

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marker cathedrals, an illustrated glossary
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marker Notre Dame de Paris, Paris
marker lantern towers of Normandy and elsewhere
marker history of ugly stained glass: Auch, Bazas, Dreux
marker Auch cathedral choir and stalls
marker Rouen and Monet
marker at France pages Dax and church iconography marker photographs, Dax
marker Bazas - iconography and architectural styles
marker Poitiers, neglected masterpiece marker photographs, Poitiers / photos 2
marker Angers, heart of the Angevin Empire marker photographs, Angers
marker Laon, the midst of the gothic transition, with added oxen marker photographs, Laon
marker Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Lyon
marker Notre Dame of Lausanne
marker Senlis - how a typical cathedral changes through the ages
marker Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges - the cathedral of the Pyrenees
marker Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours

marker Le Mans and Bourges cathedrals - medieval space technology
marker Lausanne rose window - photo-analysis
marker cathedrals in Lorraine - the Three Bishoprics
marker cathedral giants - Amiens and Beauvais
marker Clermont-Ferrand and Agde - from volcanoes to cathedrals

marker Germans in France - Arras cathedral
marker Germans in France - Reims cathedral
marker Germans in France - St. Quentin cathedral
marker Germans in France - Noyon cathedral
marker Germans in France - Cambrai cathedral
marker Germans in France - Soissons cathedral

marker cathedral plans, and facts
marker stone in church and cathedral construction
marker using metal in gothic cathedral construction
marker cathedral labyrinths and mazes in France
marker cathedrals and cloisters of Franceby Elise Whitlock Rose
marker the perpendicular or English style of cathedral
marker Romanesque churches and cathedrals in south-west France

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the address for this document is https://www.abelard.org/france/angers-cathedral-photos.php